The New Topic Index!
Here’s today’s list of all the new topics in Barbelith in the last 24 hours. Have at it kiddies.
“Anyone From Edinburgh?” –calling all Scotsmen…
“A Lovely Link” -a place to put links to sites that amuse you.
“Imagining Conversations” -have you ever imagined a conversation that never happened, but thought it did? This threads all about that.
“FEAR the Pie! [PI(E)cs!]” -a pie place…
Still nothing new in the Policy section.
Or the Head Shop…
“The Royal Rife and Gaston Neassen Microscopes” -microscope technology talkings.
“Is There Any Hope for People Obsessed With Their Health” -discussing hypochondria and possible ways to treat it.
“John Titor, Time Traveler?” –is the man from 2036 really from 2036? And is his time travel really that important when compared to his message?
Switchboard is slow today.
“Magick and “The Filth” -discussing the magickial implications of GM’s crazy deranged and (IMHO) hyper-cool series.
“The Witcher People” -discussing a group of Kentucky-based pseudo witches.
Art, Fashion & Design:
“Ethical Clothing” -help Ex find non-sweatshop produced clothes.
Books still have not much happening in the way of new topics…
Lots of old stuff in Comic Books.
Same in Film, TV and Theatre…
And Music…
“Because Poetry Should Be Free” -Electric Monk struts his stuff.
And Gathering is (still) business as usual. That’s all for today!
I like it because I see Spyder as a hybrid of the two - a member of Superman's Newsboy Brigade (or whatever they were called) dressed in a short white tennis skirt, polo shirt and yellow jacket with blue piping.
There was a bride? I only really noticed George. And I think he was pretty focused on me. It's that intense but easy companionship that only true friends have.
He couldn't invite me, because he has to keep our 'special understanding' secret. He signalled to me, though, by wearing a blue tie and blinking significantly when he felt my binoculars on him.
Well, it's easy to make up ridiculous spoof titles like that, Sax, but if you circle every third letter of Flex's speech balloons, in issue 4 of Flex Mentallo, take a few letters away and add a few, you get GANESH S MY BST FREND I LIKE HM MOR THAN EVRYBODY ELS ND WANT HM TO TOUCH MY BTTOM.
No, because you're Gladys Pugh, of course. Smoking a cigar and selling the Daily Planet in Suicide Slum.
Oh, and George Morrison put me in his comic once, and I didn't even have to win a Mighty Marvel Sweepstake or eat my own weight in Hostess Twinkies.
If you will all refer back to your Doom Patrols I was the woman who went doolally when everybody got maaaad on acid in that Albert Hoffman's bike story. Looks just like me.
I'm beginning to think this is all a figment of your imagination. Seriously. I think you need to get help. Like maybe from Professor Magnus or another superheroic psychiatrist in a dogtooth-check jacket. Dr Thirteen, perhaps.
Those auditory hallucinations bothering you again, Sax? Porgie's here, asking me about my insights into comicness and lots of other cool stuff. He says hi, even though you're a big poo-poo head.
Those aren't curtains; that's the canopy on the four-poster in the East Wing spare bedroom. Porgie and I were putting the netting on our heads and pretending to be brides getting married.
From Ola!, the esteemed organ which George selected to leak details of our relationship:
Esse é o talento doGrant Morrison, ele não deixa cair a peteca um segundo e Assim, ele consegue tocar aqueleSaxsoprano chato sem pausas pra tomar fôlego.
Read it and weep, Elephant Boy. And yes, I was speaking in a high-pitched voice for some days after the events recounted there, just as it says.
Seconded. I think maybe this thread could be worked up into a pitch for a tv sitcom. Or at least a Radio 4 situation comedy. Possibly starring Geoffrey Palmer, I can hear him reading these lines.