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Audio books

Tom Morris
10:44 / 02.06.04
I'm currently working with a number of people who are interested in starting up open source audio book projects. And we're looking for people who are either willing victims (no, it isn't an elaborate form of BDSM, although if you are in to that kind of thing, we could always deal with some of de Sade's books) or who want to help organise such an effort.

If you are interested, just give me a shout - I'm organising a mailing list of people, so just send me a PM with your email address in and I'll add you to the list.
20:31 / 03.06.04
what kind of stuff are you going to be doing?

and are the audio books themselves going to be open source?

I'm working on a film now, sort of experimental, with a surreal style to it, and want to use snippets of interesting audio. I was hoping to use clips from audio books (philosophy, psychology, surreal or stream of concious prose, stuff like that) but figured I'd run into trouble with copyright and didn't want to be bothered getting permission for every 5 second clip i used.

I'd be more willing to help out, especially if it would mean that i could use some of the end product.
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