I like Canada. I think we're on the right track, tacitly joining the rest of the world in an emerging sanity and hoping the US doesn't notice. But the Conservative party, I think, -does- notice, and they're probably the only people in Canada who would like that progress to stop. They'd like to bolster our military spending, redouble and unequivocate our support of the US's foreign policy, and no doubt a whole host of whatever other evil schemes their cold, dead, cybernetic brains can manage to chatter out. Because as everyone knows, the primary directives of the right are twofold:
1. Resist change, and
2. Ruin everything.
I'm proud of Canada lately. For a long time I wasn't sure where the hell I lived but now I like Canada a lot. You can get good pot here, for cheap, pretty easily, and you can smoke it just about anywhere you want. In practice, that is. It's a liberal place, but it's lazily liberal; the mainstream local media is fairly mindless and more American in many ways than, for instance, the CBC, although I guess that's to be expected... anyway, they cover pot busts all the time and you never see them running pieces hailing the gradual opening of the rights of Canadians to self-determine their state of mind. But there you have it.
So here's how I see it: the Liberals probably won't get voted in, which I guess is too bad, since it means the Conservatives probably will. If the conservatives get in, we're fucked, so we all need to vote for the NDP. If they get in, we can have all the magic mushrooms we want. I think I remember seeing that in one of their fliers.
On the other hand, maybe the "new" Conservative party would, if elected, quietly lead the country down whatever path it happens to be on, hoping very hard to avoid making a complete mess of everything again. Maybe the tacit Europeanization of our legislation and cultural atmosphere will continue unabated, more in the people's hands than the government's, just as it's been doing.
But maybe they'll outlaw abortion and homosexuality, burn all our pot and then build a big iron roof over the country so none of us will ever know sun or rain again, just to make us hurt.
Fucking conservatives! |