Hi, Im new(ish) here by the way (registered a long long time ago-but never posted) and Im not sure where I should be posting this. I was initially thinking of 'Comics', but it seems this is more appropriate as it's a creative project of mine. It's basically a webcomic called 'The Road Further' and before you start thinking Im advertising it or anything like that, I'm not really doing that. It's just that I've been working on this for the past six months (as a university project) and even though it's been all packaged and handed-in I've never actually managed to get any decent constructive feedback on it from anyone. Ever. So, I was thinking that a good solution would be to upload it and see what people say. It's in a really experimental form and the storyline as well as the design suffered A LOT during production. I cant say I completely stand by this work, but since Ive been working so long on it, I find it hard to distance myself from it. Hmmm...this went on a bit longer than I had intended, so for thanks to anyone that beared with me, and thanks in advance to anyone who's patient enough to look at an experimental version of an interactive online comic. All and any ideas are always welcome
here's the linK:
www.freewebs.com/roadfurther/ |