Did anyone see this? It was really disturbing. Basically these four teenage filmmakers paid derelicts, crackheads, homeless drunks and prostitutesto kick and pound the living shit out of each other in exchange for more booze/crack and scraps of cash, filmed it all, and sold the finished product, with a bunch of high school scraps and 'found fights' thrown in for good measure. They eventually sold the rights for a cool 1.5 million dollars.
Copycat vids began appearing,(Bumhunts, Bumsluts etc.) and eventually, a group of inspired Australian yute in some sleepy Jerkwater town found the one homeless guy in the whole area, and burned him alive...and filmed it....to sell.
Another charming crew, the '311 Boyz' are currently up on attempted murder charges, after being convicted of assault with a deadly weapon, after gate crashing a party (on camers) and stoning some poor little teen bloke half to death. All on film, for entertainment.
The lawyers in these cases and sociolgists and psychiatrists used as talking heads all made the fair point that what's most disturbing about all of this is not so much that some freaky little fuckbakes would do it in the first place, but rather that they actually sold and made good profit from exploitation of the films...A hungry audience was willing to hand over cash to watch the desperate, dispossessed and disenfranchised hurting, injuring and causing suffering to one another...
In many ways, I guess it's kind of 'Jackass' to the nth degree, but it was pretty unsettling. Anyone see it? |