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Attack of the Virgin Fundy Furry Homophobes!

Lord Morgue
10:06 / 26.05.04
Oh, oh, oh, Livejounal is back up, here's the links, c'mon, you just GOTTA see this-
(For those who are wondering what the shit I'm on about, this is the popular webcartoonist who draws Nip N'Tuck and Under The Lemon Tree. His politics never seem to come up in the comics' forums, and I wonder how many of his fans would bail, like I did, if they read his L.J...)
Hayes on Jerry Thacker
Hayes on gay marriage
Hayes tries to defend himself against accusations that he has compared homosexuality to bestiality and paedophilia by saying it leads unavoidably to rape, bestiality and paedophilia, then compares it to necrophilia and cannibalism.
Bear in mind, this man is a virgin.

And so is his number one asslick, Strangewulf.

Shield your eyes from their beauty! Ugh, makes me ashamed to be a beardy.
Lord Morgue
10:15 / 26.05.04
Doo! The image was working in the pee-view.
Sexy Boi
If you save the image (it's huuuge) you can fully appreciate how long he's been wearing that t-shirt, and how the untrimmed edge of his moustache disappears into his mouth.
Sorry boys, this one believes that gay sex "damages the soul".
Perhaps a suitable ectoplasm-based lubricant?
10:19 / 26.05.04
Why the hell did you make me look at that prick and his idiotic rantings? Grr, now I'm all wound up and wanna hurt him...
10:45 / 26.05.04
How depressing - looked at the first link. My overwheleming feeling when ever I encounter stuff like this is "why? WHY?" - Why devote so much of your time and energy to making the world a shit place for other people? Fucking arsehole.
11:01 / 26.05.04
I'm not sure which I'm enjoying more- agreeing with the well-reasoned posters telling him he's full of shit or watching the really insane guys agreeing with him dig themselves ever further into the ground.
11:05 / 26.05.04
Actually, I went back and read a bit more - that was quite pleasant.

And he's a virgin you say, LM? Hmm... all this stuff about choosing morally not to give into *evil urges* - makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Haus of Mystery
12:02 / 26.05.04
Wow! He's got loads of neat things to say! Thanks for alerting us to this great guy.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:07 / 26.05.04
Jeeze Louise, what a revolting specimen. Almost as charming as amenlover, aka Anti-Porn guy. At least he's doing the world a favour by hanging on to his virginity--I'd hate to think of him raising kids with those values...
12:54 / 26.05.04
My personal favourite web guy - Sam Sloan. I can't quite put my finger on why I can't *not* read his website. It might be his self-aggrandising ways, might be his numerous progeny, or his bizarre and varied past.
13:15 / 26.05.04
amenlover can't be real.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ knows no commas. Amen!
Mr Tricks
15:58 / 26.05.04
Is this like looking at a car-wreak in hopes od seeing body oarts?

"While I do not exactly approve of statements such as this --Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb "got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn’t deserve" and that "the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well."-- I must point out that I myself have always had my suspicions about actor Morgan Freeman since he went from a playing a chauffeur to a CIA agent to a U.S. President and in his latest film he had the blasphemous audacity to play God Himself and I would just ask if anyone else finds this more than a little suspicious since he is not the greatest actor ever to recite a line of dialogue and furthermore does anyone else wonder if maybe the media is behind this?"
16:11 / 26.05.04
that sam sloan dude gets weirder and weirder
16:15 / 26.05.04
Proof that Shamema Honzagool Sloan is being held prisoner by the Jerry Falwell organization

ok, I promise this is the last one I'll post.
18:08 / 26.05.04
From the Darwin side, mutations do happen. Since homosexuality serves no clear purpose, it must be a mutation, one that has, curiously, sprung up time and again as life evolved until it reached where we are now. Thus, it would be logical to conclude that something, perhaps some kind of radiation, has been messing with whatever genes determine our sexuality. If we could determine what it was, we could then perhaps find a way to block or erradicate it, thus insuring that no being on this planet is ever confused about their sexuality again because they would all be straight. Interesting, isn't it?

Great Rao! Luthor is bombarding the Earth with his homosexuality-rays! Lantern to the Watchtower! For monogamy!
18:33 / 26.05.04
I particularly like the guy who said this:

The argument is only meaningless if you refuse to acknowledge it. It makes perfect logical sense to me (though I do realize liberals have trouble with logic).

After an airtight logical case against the posts of the Virgin Viking was outlined...

So when does Disney World do Gay Days, then? And am I the only one who's thinking of Mickey being buggered by Donald as I type that?
23:02 / 26.05.04
Well, what do we expect? Teenagers have to define their identity somehow, and ill-informed but excitable reaction formation seems as good a way as any.

It's the Pope I'm worried about, who apparently views my relationship as unequivocally "evil". Even virgins ought to have gained some sense of perspective by the time they're his age...
23:57 / 26.05.04
Ganesh, do you have sex with men whilst *gasp* being a man?
00:05 / 27.05.04
Not usually multiply at the one time, but yes. Evil, c'est moi.
07:45 / 27.05.04
'Tis not your fault, pet. It's the space rays!
08:45 / 27.05.04
Amenlover. Great photo - check out that chin acne!

I am therefore somewhat puzzled that the Lord in His infinite wisdom has not seen fit to explain to me what to do when my website which is of course His website is HACKED by those who apparently would prefer an eternity with the worms in the gigantic lava jacuzzi than everlasting rest with Him and His Messenger which of course has been since November of 2000 myself.

We really should get him to come to a Barbemeet.
08:47 / 27.05.04
Just think - you and him, in the jacuzzi of everlasting rest for eternity.
Cat Chant
08:49 / 27.05.04
Is amenlover real? Really, really real? I don't believe in him.
pointless and uncalled for
09:00 / 27.05.04
Just think - you and him, in the jacuzzi of everlasting rest for eternity

This is very reminicent of that "Have a Bath With Jesus" site.
Lord Morgue
09:01 / 27.05.04
Ooh, I found another good one I forgot.
Junior really gets a strip torn off him here, and still can't formulate a coherent response

And revelations! Our boy Strangewulf has had naughty gay furry cybersex! I don't know whether to be jealous or nauseated.
Oh, and if anyone's wondering where I came into all this, I was "Ex-Fan" in the first link.
09:03 / 27.05.04
Could a fake person right this?

Well my friends and detractors I lack the words to express just how good it is to resume this ministry which is of course God's ministry although unfortunately this time my absence was not due to anything as simple as a jail term for defying a protection order on behalf of an abortion clinic but instead my absence is due to a failed love relationship with a woman who claimed to be a Christian (as if! which means I will not be peeking over the Lord's shoulder at the Final Judgment to see if her name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life as the feigned curiosity would only be an irritation to Him) although her definition of "Christian" turned out to be as loose as her moral integrity but then again it is not my place to judge her or her ornamental window-dressed impression of what she thinks a Christian is supposed to be as the Lord will surely take the time out of His busy schedule while He's judging the quick and the dead at the Great White Throne to explain it to her before he spits her lukewarm carcass in the direction of that massive funnel which empties into the never ending fires of HELL. Amen.

Our boy certainly ha a way with words.
09:52 / 27.05.04
why do they keep saying 'furry'? is they them folk who like to dress up as sport mascots and roll around in a forest?

each to their own and that but

not very cool is it? and he thinks it's more normal than being gay?
Cat Chant
14:30 / 27.05.04
Could a fake person write this?

See, I don't think a real person could write that. The tone feels to me to be too cheerfully ludic and self-sending-up (or perhaps just too grammatical) to be a genuine fit for the insane fundamentalism of the content. But that probably says more about my prejudices than anything else.
15:35 / 27.05.04
Nah, that dude can't be real. People like that aren't usually so lyrical (for lack of a better term) in their rantings. That coulda been written by Warren Ellis.
the Fool
23:43 / 27.05.04
Our boy Strangewulf has had naughty gay furry cybersex! I don't know whether to be jealous or nauseated.

I could so tell he had it in 'im. Me gaydar when 'ping ping' as soon as I saw his pic, lol!
Lord Morgue
10:29 / 28.05.04
I have nothing against Furries per se, in fact I am somewhat in awe of anyone with kinks more obscure and specific than my own, but I do feel that those the mainsteam brands as "Furverts" and "Skunkfuckers" should be the LAST. PEOPLE. ON. EARTH. to throw stones at ANYONE.
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