Aww, poor old barbelith these days.
So, I never got my Swimini Purpose, boo. No money that week, and then it was the next week and they were all gone. So, I don't really know if there was any 'Summer Of Love' in there after all, but, if there wasn't, I bought a set on ebay a little while ago. (For less than a fiver! Some fella had chopped them out of the News On Sunday when they were published, and had kept them folded safe in the bottom of a draw somewhere, and then he finally decides to get rid and I'm the only bidder and all he gets for them is a measly couple of quid plus postage.)
Anyway, there's only seven episodes in total, so if anyone hasn't read this and is interested, here they are, ze fabulous milligan and mccarthyyyyy:
