I noticed that Anna De L mentioned she got the 46 bus in Haus' Tucked Up thread and got to thinking that she might have been the poor girl I accidentally stepped on on Friday morning blearly eyed after working a stupid o'clock shift just off Gray's Inn Road.
Then I thought, hang on! Lots of 'Lithers live or work in and around Camden, maybe, unbeknownst to us both, we have exchanged pleasnatries, or even unpleasantries, for I can be most gnarly of a morning. (If this turns out to be the case, I apologise profusely in advance).
I noticed when gingerbop visited that Haus mooted the Red Lion on Kings X Road for a drinkie, and this is, like, spitting distance from where I work...though I didn't make it.
So fellow London Lithpeople, have we met? I'm a rapacious and ravishing young debonair with a booming, comnmanding voice and the face of an angel. You'll know if we have.
Go on now, spill the beans. |