I first came across this idea in Sardar & Davies' Why Do People Hate America?, and I'm remembering it now, as Xoc watches his Firefly DVD, in the background. As a theory, it's clearly overstated, but it taps into my abiding irritation with Star Trek (the myth of the frontier, and the need to bring American morals/values to 'savages') and American science-fiction/fantasy in general. In Sardar & Davies' book, they use the example of Alias, but I'm also thinking Stargate, Babylon 5, etc.
Basically, the frontier stuff, civilising 'barbarians', predominantly JudaeoChristian belief system, the redemptive power of violence (particularly armed violence). That sort of thang.
I'm gonna marshall my scattered opinions on this, and present them in a more coherent way, but I'd be interested in other people's thoughts... |