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All Hail Baroness Golding

pointless and uncalled for
14:02 / 19.05.04
All Hail Baroness Golding

May the glories of ignorance never cease.
14:14 / 19.05.04
Be fair SK - afterall she is deeply distressed.
14:49 / 19.05.04
Matt O'Connor, spokesman for Fathers 4 Justice, said [...] 'Purple is the international colour of equality'

Really? Purple supporting women's suffrage and homosexuality I'd heard of...
21:44 / 19.05.04
Tryphena Absent
22:48 / 19.05.04
Oh my god, Barney, what have you done??
Alex's Grandma
00:00 / 20.05.04
I'm just surprised Barney isn't better endowed. I mean he's a dinosaur for God's sake... Or has this picture been censored ?
00:10 / 20.05.04
Barney would never be so stupid. Someone is framing him.
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