I like the Magick connection. I'm also reminded of John Keel's (THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES) "Ultra"-terrestrials.
back to my question of the Sim's: of course, if we consider it possible that we are simulations, then, in essence, we are saying that our universe is designed by something outside us. Just as the Sim would conjecture that there may be an intelligent design to its world. Now, the great point above is that we should NOT be able to communicate with whatever designed us IN THEIR TERMS. That last bit is the distinction. As an abductee scientist acquaintance of mine pointed out, there should be no common ground between us and the ET's, therefore, there should be no way we can communicate. Applying his theories of ET communication to this problem, he believes that the ET are a kind of hive mind (as best we can approximate the truer concept) and that they (the aliens) are attempting to modify the human nervous system so that we can communicate. Of course, his natural paranoi has produced some very malicious body-snatcher scenarios (ala Icke ala Lovecraft), but the essential theories are quite interesting.
If we regard this world as a simulation, then EVEN THOUGH we cannot understand or communicate with the designers on their terms (being outside our universe, they are also outside our full comprehension), we may assume or predict that they can in some way understand us and our world on our terms SINCE THEY DESIGNED IT. This would be very similar to a programmer looking at the codework of a Sim in progress or going back and debugging a very complex section of the algorithm interaction.
Now, here's the interesting part. We can't really fully understand the Sims. Just as in the Wolfram thread, we can discern the computation of an emergent phenomenon, but we can't break it down beyond the basic computation (we can't express it with mathematical precision in other words; perhaps our supposed designers have the same sort of problem with the complexity of our "programming." Therefore, they can discern when we attempt to communicate with them, but their replies are based on a perceptual approximation of our conversations. Perhaps when they attempt to communicate with us (via angels, demons, the mothman) they are actually responding to the interplay of our programming, but we interpret it in these mythical ways.
All conjecture of course. |