My best friend turns 40 this Friday, and I haven't got a fucking clue what to get her - her girlfriend's getting her a flash hi-fi system, so I guess my pressie will have to be something a little less ostentatious but something a little outlandish, if you get my gist.
Now, B is not your "conventional" 39-year-old, in that she likes knives, bats, tattoos, S+M-related material such as photos, books etc...however, she has an abundant supply of such items, and I'm really racking my brains. I'm totally stumped. Can anyone suggest something that will mark this milestone in a "hey, it's cool that I'm 40 but I'm not making a big deal of it" kind of fashion.
Also, what did the 40+ 'lithers get for their 40th, and what do they wish they had received?
Aaaargh. |