Yeah, like the summary says, I've been laid off since the beginning of March. They didn't even give me two weeks severance; just bang, off you go. I had some very promising interviews really early, which led me to believe I'd have a new gig in no time flat, so I didn't file for unemployment right away, but they both never called or returned calls. It wasn't until almost two months passed and my bank account nearly emptied that I got off my duff and filed for the gummit cheese, the first of which I only received last Thursday. Now I'm in a situation where if I don't pay my rent within the next week or so eviction proceedings will begin, plus my lease is coming up, at which point I have to be paid up in order to renew it or get out by the end of June. I have a very nice but modest apartment in Queens with a very nice but modest roommate from Chicago, neither of which I would like to lose. I can't go into details, but neither of my parents are viable sources of money, so no dice there. I'm looking into some longterm plans, but for now, I need to make a couple hun in the next week or so if I'm to get over this hump.
To that end, I've put a number of items onto eBay, some of which I figure folks around here might have some interest in, which y'all can find here. I realize that this is not to everyone's taste, but even if you yourself aren't interested, I urge you to pass along the info to anyone you think might be; these initial seven auctions end next Sunday the 23rd. There will be more auctions to come, including movies and music, as well as more comics, and those already on there will have pictures soon enough, so like they say in New England, if you don't like the weather, just wait a minute.
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