How very odd... only a few days ago I was musing on the fact that I hadn't seen them recently... then my flatmate came home from work with a box set of the first 3! (Not rewatched them, yet, but boy, am I looking forward to it).
The first is OBVIOUSLY a classic. Anyone who says it isn't is quite clearly WRONG and smells of bins.
The second was unjustly panned, imho... I know CB himself wasn't too keen on it, but I thought the big spinning pyramid thing that was Baphomet was a perfect Barkeresque moment.
The third... well, it was kind of fun, I guess... good on its own terms, but seemed to reduce the whole mythos to a Friday 13th/Halloween level of "hey, here's your favourite bad guy! Let's watch him kill some people!" which is all well and good, but seemed to me to go against the tone of the first two.
Mind you, as I say, it's a while since I saw them... so my judgment may be clouded. (Not on the first one, though... memory notwithstanding, I have actually watched it a fuck of a lot of times, so I KNOW it's good. QED.)
Saw I think it was the 5th one a while back... never saw Bloodlines, which looked kind of interesting. Whichever one I saw was pretty piss-poor... had a kind of Harry d'Amour-type private investigator, as I recall... one very good and chilling scene with a female Cenobite rubbing a guy's chest... the camera pulls out and her fingers are actually underneath his skin. THAT was good. All else was a bit poo.
But yeah... the first three, I love, though I have my reservations about HR3. (Pinhead's whole "I AM THE WAY" bit, though, is truly stunning. I remember when that came out at the cinema... myself and flatmates would spend whole acid-laden nights just saying that to each other in ridiculous Pinhead voices. Never seemed to stop being fun.) |