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Urgh, ego collapse.

01:07 / 17.05.04
Ok, ok, i've made this hole myself, and i'll take your advice. I pm'd Tom about comments in Rage's thread and my other comments in the Anti-semitism thread here and i think i'm ok, so yeah, i understand where your coming from. I can't really defend myself when i didn't have a clue what the link in the first post in Rage's thread actually was, and have hardly any knowledge of the holocaust so i'm wrong and i admit it.

I'm guilty of being lazy, self absorbed and ignorant, i can't deny it and there's no point in doing so.

Also the fact that i'd pissed Mordant off, and that was a shock, becuase i respect Mordant a lot, and that was kind of a wake up call. I should have more respect full stop, and sorry to Dupre aswell for my comments a while back, and thanks to Illmatic and Haus for your patience, especially Haus, who hasn't give me any shit at all in all the time i've been here, and i've deserved it.

Urgh, this is shit. Having to write this feels like an online i don't know what, but i'm starting a course next week so i won't be sat at the pc as much, i'll be on a course sat at a pc instead, but at least i'll be doing something i suppose and be out there with other people more instead of holed up in my bedroom most of the time.

How embarrasing is this? Stuff it, i'm sick of defending my flimsy ego, it's getting boring.

I left another board because i was spending too much time on the computer and had personal stuff to sort out, but instead i came here and got into chaos magick and loads of other stuff which was amazing beyond description, but i still have stuff i need to sort out.

Anyway, Anti-semitism thread : i thought that it would be discussed openly and without problems when the Temple/Switchboard thread got made, and was wrong. Then i'm waffling about the subject and i don't have a clue about it, but i thought that one group of people would present facts for, then one against and then there would be a conclusion. Turns out it's more complicated than that and now i'm out of it.

Rage's thread : Didn't have a clue what it was about again, then waded in whilst pissed still not having a clue what it was about and wound people up.

It's just that i've had a lot of laughs reading Rage's stuff and i identify with her quite a lot, so maybe i was being biased. The other thing was that reading the reactions to her post/link/art it reminded me of the reactions i often got when posting mad stuff in conversation, so not knowing what the picture really was and then seeing all of the following posts i thought it was out of order. Thought it was, now that i know i can see why the reactions are there more than i could do at first.

One thing that probably wound me up and that still grates a little is that maybe Rage regrets posting that, she also said she's going through hard times and requested that it be deleted but then it got left for some reason, maybe i should go back and check, but if Rage is gutted about the whole thing and really regrets posting it in the first place then i just feel that it's a little wrong that it's still in the top of the creation forum and she's still getting flak for it.

Anyway, i didn't make this to fan the flames of that argument, i made this to admit again that i'm wrong on more counts than i can probably remember right now.

I feel dehydrated, depressed, pissed off, and sick of drawing attention to myself in other peoples threads and rotting them like Haus said in his own way, so the last thing i feel like doing is defending an ego that has more holes than a teabag.

I've just got all of my Magick stuff, bagged it, and put it in the back of the cupboard because i'm in no state whatsoever to be pretending i'm an ubermage, and it would be pretty damn dangerous, so i'm chilling for a while now and am gonna try and get myself sorted out. By taking advice aswell as calming down.

Like i said, for the first time since i came here, the first time an about a year now, i'll actually be out of the house monday to friday and doing something in a weeks time, so maybe things will pick up from there.

Sorry again, and instead of going around in circles i'll take some of your advice, (to the numerous people that have given me it, and thankyou for it) i'm happy that this is here and not rotting other peoples discussions because it's getting stupid now.

So yeah, there goes a big chunk of the ego, it feels horrible but it had to be done, because i've been guided towards some really amazing experiences in the Magick/Temple that a lot of you outside of it maybe wouldn't believe, and so i think i owe it back to this place to be straight for once.

I'm not cracking up or anything, don't worry about me, i think the worst is over, i've just hit the breakpeddle and needed to do this because it's not just one or two of you that have got pissed with me now, it's quite a lot.

To anon : yeah, i've really caved this time. I think i should get out more, or stop abusing the Magick.
01:31 / 17.05.04
One thing that probably wound me up and that still grates a little is that maybe Rage regrets posting that, she also said she's going through hard times and requested that it be deleted

Actually, Rage *demanded* that the thread be deleted, because by not keeping the picture in the thread Barbelith was ruining her art. No regret there at all - check the thread. There's a thread in the Policy about deleting threads and who gets to mandate it.
01:49 / 17.05.04
I'll get the tape and superglue, bud. We're more interesting when we're cracked.
01:56 / 17.05.04
if Rage is gutted about the whole thing and really regrets posting it in the first place then i just feel that it's a little wrong that it's still in the top of the creation forum and she's still getting flak for it.

If you're referring to the deletion of the specific post, I'm the one who refused, because I thought that for that post to be deleted derails the entire thread. Rage could, and did, either delete the file the link went to or changed the file name. In any case, the link is dead. However, the fact that there is still a link there that says "Rage has posted this and asked if it is art" makes it possible for people can glean that this was a non-work safe picture, and can figure out everything else from there.

If Rage was actually gutted about posting it, then she should have said so, rather than claiming righteous artistic superiority over all of us as the motivation. Plenty of people, (yourself included, Firewave,) have admitted it if they thought they were wrong, and no, it isn't easy, but why should she be exempt?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:08 / 17.05.04
If I may be blunt Firewave, the two things you need to do for starters are:
a) don't post when drunk.
b) read the news every now and then.

Both of these should help avoid a repeat performance of the weekend...
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:00 / 17.05.04
c) Burn your copy of Matrix Warrior.
Jack Denfeld
11:31 / 17.05.04
You’ve already said a whole bunch of stuff tonight that I’d be altogether more inclined to argue with if I didn’t think you’ll probably be apologising for it all in the morning. -Bedhead from the Raging art thread

Good call.
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:07 / 17.05.04
I think we're the ones letting Firedave down. Friends don't let friends post drunk! Where are our designated posters?
Char Aina
12:14 / 17.05.04
drinking meths in the servants quarters.
13:12 / 17.05.04
Friends don't let friends post drunk

Well that's MY on-board presence cut down to size right there!

Cheers! *clink*
Grey Area
13:15 / 17.05.04
Meths? We should be so frikkin' lucky! All I was able to score was a half-emtpy bottle of Impulse roll-on deodorant.
13:43 / 17.05.04
And you're complaining? I've been huffing Pritt Stick.
13:47 / 17.05.04
Try Copydex.

Alex's Grandma
15:41 / 17.05.04
I'm a Tipp-Ex thinner man myself.
16:08 / 17.05.04
The last time I went near Copydex I woke up the next day with gold stars all over my face. Never again.
16:12 / 17.05.04
I don't like reading entire novels over the internet
Eloi Tsabaoth
16:14 / 17.05.04
Stoatie gets a special dispensation to allow drunken posting as that much brilliance has to be filtered through a drunken fug, like the smoked glass used to view eclipses.
Oh sorry, was that your ear?
16:14 / 17.05.04

I'm a Tipp-Ex thinner man myself.

Is that the diet choice?
16:27 / 17.05.04
Liar. Where's your toolbox? You've been holding out on me! You've got anti-feeeze!
Grey Area
16:33 / 17.05.04
Whoo-hoo! Rooting through the maid's drawers I found a bottle of Robitussin cough syrup...we're a-partying in the servants' quarters too-night-ee!!!
Alex's Grandma
17:03 / 17.05.04
Is that the diet choice ?

Well, it works for me. I used to look like Cyril Smith until I discovered the fab world of stationary abuse.
17:06 / 17.05.04
Listerine is a far superior tipple, and gives you 24 hours of fresh breath confidence. Mix with aftershave for a musky finish.
17:11 / 17.05.04
Formaldehyde all the way. Anything else is for children.
Grey Area
17:20 / 17.05.04
As long as there's a slice of citrus fruit dangling from the rim of the glas, bottle or jar I'm not fussed. We have standards to smash and an empire to mourn you know...
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