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Never been there.

Scrambled Password Bogus Email
09:24 / 14.05.04
First off, let me say that I have never seen either The Sound of Music or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Since I am now thirty, I consider this to be quite an achievement, in its own little way...I have taken it upon myself to see if I can now go the distance without a single scene of either of these films ever seeping into my tiny mind. (Posting pics in this thread doesn'yt count, btw.)

Anyhoo, I similarly have never posted in nor even lurked in the Art, Fashion and Design section of Barbelith. Ever. I've poked around in akll the other wee compartments, but not this one, and keep vacillating as to whether I should add this to my repertoire of things to not do before I die.

What about you? Where have you not been, for whatever reason?

Gosh, I really do need to get out more.
09:39 / 14.05.04
I've never watched a complete episode of Coronation Street and I hope I never will.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
09:43 / 14.05.04
Nor I...though the other soaps have by and large snared me...except Emmerdale. Which should be a cheese.
Haus of Mystery
09:46 / 14.05.04
Never Been Kissed. Or was that Drew Barrymore? Mine and her lives are ALWAYS intersecting. I too was a crack-head at the age of nine.
Mike Modular
10:00 / 14.05.04
I have never read a Harry Potter book. And don't intend to, though it's probably easier to avoid than passively experiencing a film or TV programme, unless I become victim of Clockwork Orange-style conditioning...

If Barbelith is still going in, say, 10 years, perhaps we can all post updates on what we've succeeded in avoiding...
pointless and uncalled for
10:09 / 14.05.04
I wish I were you. I read a Harry Potter book and found it to be talentless gobshite not worth the paper it was printed on.
I can appreciate how children might like it but this whole culture of "adults really liking a childs book" is ridiculous in this instance. Mog & Meg books are better than this.
Jack Vincennes
10:17 / 14.05.04
I have never seen more than five minutes of Dirty Dancing, or any of Grease, much to the horror of my female friends who generally say things like "Oh, you must come round to mine and watch it sometime". Whenever this happens I make sure I always have a 'reserve movie' that I know they haven't seen to suggest next time they want to watch a DVD, so I end up watching Buffalo Soldiers for the fourth time rather than either of the above for the first.

I have also never confronted the nagging fear that I might be being narrow, or even petty-minded about this issue.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:41 / 14.05.04
I've never seen an entire episode of Farscape or, for some reason, the first Indiana Jones movie.
foot long subbacultcha
13:09 / 14.05.04
I've never seen any of the Godfather films. I have them at home aswell.
14:34 / 14.05.04
I have seen none of the above, with the exception of Harry Potter and Grease.

I have never been to the Fringe festival.
19:27 / 14.05.04
never watched that sex & the shitty american wank show
Saint Keggers
19:34 / 14.05.04
Ive never gone to the local beer festival or commedy festival. OR a hockey game. I've also never seen the Wicker Man. Or Blake's 7. Or Mystery Science Theater. Or a lecture on magick.
Mourne Kransky
21:22 / 14.05.04
I've been to Paradise
but I've never been to me
23:17 / 14.05.04
I've never written poetry. I think I'm proud of that, if only because most people my age write absolute shite, think they're hella deep artist types, and make all their friends (me) read it. I've got enough sense to know I don't have enough sense to accurately judge anything of my own.
12:27 / 15.05.04
I have never seen, nor will ever see, Reservoir Dogs or Kill Bill.
12:42 / 15.05.04
I was watching some new release DVD last week with a friend of mine (Love Actually, perhaps) and she started to freak out because there were scenes of Titanic included within the storyline. When I asked what her problem was she told me that she had never seen Titanic, never wanted to and that the 20 seconds or so she had just been subjected to were the most she had ever viewed. She had made a conscious decision to avoid it and now the whole film we were watching was tainted by this uninvited and unwelcome intrusion.

I thought this was funny. Now I find this thread and I understand her a little better.

I've never looked, or posted, in Laboratory, Books, Comic Books or Film TV and Theatre. No real reason why, just haven't.
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