My ex is back! My ex is back! My beautiful, wonderful, cranky, 5'2" and pudgy round the middle ex is back! She's back and I'm filled with an impossible infinitude of post-coital endorphins at the very sight of her like some beauteous, pustulescent excresence from some ennoblin cold sore on the upper lip of my very soul! I love love love her. More than the cantankerous clink and clank of a manual typewriter! More than that barely audible squishing sound that comes from the exclusive knowledge that I and I alone have anointed my stocking-clad toes with orange marmalade! love love love! love love love love love! I want to dance and sing and put together Swedish mail-order furniture with the G peg in the Q slot as is entirely contrary to the helpful instruction manual included witht the package free of charge! And we're NOT going to have sex! She doesn't find me attractive anymore and we'll never have sex ever ever again and it doesn't matter one jot or tittle! And she doesn't even have sex with men any more and she's completely glorious and cynical and intoxicating and wearing an ill-fitting haircut!
Grant me just this one plenary endulgence, o pope of the pessimistic and disenfranchised. Allow me this brief and bombastic moment of sheer giddygiddyhappyhappy, ambassador of the bitter.
Don't turn away in disgust and sympathetic embarassment, Barbelites. I don't care that she's only going to leave me a further warped emotional cripple! I don't care that I'm going to have to come up with some creative and disgusting new perversion just to get over her again!
Why? I love, that's why! I bad ideaedly, stupid impulsively, wang swingingly, big bollockedly love her!
I love her more than Lon Chaney's painful prosthetic rictus grin! I love her more than hypnotically herky-jerky speech paterns of Christopher Walken! I love her more than the eerie sexually-discomfiting effeminacy of Johnny Depp! I love her more than long, rambling, excessively exclamatory posts! I love her more than my fictionsuit! Yes! Say goodbye to Czernobog and say hello to the new, doomed to briefness in nomenclature Love Lovey McLoverson!
And I've soiled myself in too many ways to count.
Love Lovey McLoverson signing of and heading for the tub. |