"A moment"
I was sitting outside a pub in Leith (Edinburgh) enjoying a very nice pint at the end of a day building louvre doors (not a regular ocuurance). I was already feeling quite blissfull and enjoying closing my eyes and feeling the sun (this doesn't happen too much either, especially as there were quite a few people there).
Any way, as I'm blissing I feel this warm/soft/scratchy presence in my lap and when I look down I see a squirrel!
He quickly did one then 'cause I kinda jumped (not out of fear, just surprise).
Lot's of people noticed and several comments were made, I didn't get freaked by the attention (I was still thinking 'bout the lovely squirrel)and proclaimed myself "a squirrel lover".
It was a moment, a message and a very nice thing. I couldn't help but think I must have seemed like a safe place to climb 
I feel I should mention that there really aren't many trees near there (it's down by the docks) and I'm still not sure where the squirrel came from!
I would like to live in a world where animals (and people) don't have to be scared of people (or animals). |