You tiny pirate-men and low and insufficient pirate women have insulted the honour of our temple! Your miserable cutlass skills would embarrass a pregnant yak! With your foolish yo-ho-hoing and your ludicrous trousers, you bring disrepute on warriors everywhere, and your existence is a stinkiness which irks our refined and lethal noses!
Behold our splendidly-made weapons and elegant fighting attire! What have you to offer the world except bilges, incontinent parrots, and quasi-Baroque sexual innuendo? We are big. You are tiny! We are flipping out, you are rolling around drunk!
Bring your big ship and your barbequeing and as many dubious sword references as you want! The mighty ninja are fed to the black-clad, disappearing, martial-artist back teeth with the lot of you! Bow down or be made into yakitori for fish, shouty rum-drinking fools!!!
Tycho: Pirate man, you filth, I stab at you! All your blouses are belong to us!
Random Pirate Enemy: Ar, me lad, I avoids your stabbing with me drunken reeling, and I burps alcoholic fumes upon ye!
T: My breath-holding skill defeats you! I jump into the air and stand on your silly hat!
RPE: Me hat contains a pirate monkey, you fighting fool! He runs you through the foot...
And so on... |