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Dead friends, bad bankers, and no love-life.

Oresa delta 20
18:40 / 11.05.04
In the last few months, i've lost a close friend to suicide, my bank has decided to screw me harder and deeper than i've ever been screwed before, and the girl i was trying to rescue from her bastard boyfriend has chosen to believe that she actually loves that domineering, oppressive cunt. I'm pissed off at the world, and i think some of you probably are too. So, please feel free to post all your spleen-splitting vitriol here. If nothing else, it will help you to get over it better than i have. Peace and love to all like-minded barbekids.
Whisky Priestess
22:30 / 11.05.04
Graah! Sharing does help. In fact, I'm gonna bump the untamed hate and anger thread for you, which is exactly the place to go ...
23:02 / 11.05.04
That's girls for you. They just won't sit down and be rescued from the domineering, oppressive cunts they love.

If it's catharsis you're after, you could do a lot worse than checking out the 'Untamed Hate and Anger' thread, as Whiskey suggests.
Lilly Nowhere Late
05:39 / 12.05.04
Look JC, I'm not in any bad corners anymore, but just to encourage you I'm going to give a really brief glimpse of a bad BOX I was in, merely 5 years ago. Profile:
Suicide husband, best friend betrayals, despair, gloom, agony.
Husband's secret debts, financial ruin, another attempted suicide, inspired by dead husband, blamed on me. No hope.
Sane and lovely husband, beautiful perfect child, growing business, and all the future available for action.

I don't know exactly how it all happened, but things can be turned around. My first step was a desperate attempt at avoiding it all by taking a trip far far away. Trips always change one's life. I recommend them for healing and inspiring.

Point is, everything changes. You will feel better. I hope it is very soon.
06:25 / 12.05.04
Yeah, just hang on in there. And yes, vent like a motherfucker in the Hate/Anger thread. Believe me, it works.
foot long subbacultcha
07:36 / 12.05.04
the trip far away idea is an interesting idea. does it work better if you go alone, lily?
Lilly Nowhere Late
06:45 / 13.05.04
I think if one travels alone, it does open one up more to strange new things. There is something very different between the option of lone travel and traveling with a mate. Lone travel forces one to be quiet and observe closely, and it forces one to engage when one might opt not to. I think it's probably the best thing if one is trying to create a cathartic occurance or be open to one.
Still, everytime one travels, unless you are a nunce, life changes.
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