Well, I got another update. Rather a short reply to my lengthy email, but I guess there's a limit to our elected officials' patience for getting into these issues with members of the public 
Anyway, George denies supporting the death penalty, although I have seen elsewhere him quoted as supporting it. And he says he wouldn't vote to ban abortion, which is something of a relief:
No I wouldn't vote to ban abortion and I have never supported the death
penalty.......just another smear I'm afraid
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 May 2004 22:52
To: GALLOWAY, George
Subject: RE: Abortion Rights
A feminist is simply someone that supports true equality, and many men are
feminists. Although a lot of feminists would say that taking an
anti-abortion stance is inherently anti-feminist, for a whole host of
reasons you are no doubt more than familiar with.
Although, I was wondering whether or not you have a problem with the fact
that restricting access to abortion is infringing on a woman's right to have
control over her own body, and in some ways is putting the rights of an
unborn fetus above and beyond the rights of the fully formed adult person?
And also, I have read elsewhere I think that you support the death penalty,
and I was wondering how that gelled with your position on abortion, as not
allowing a woman to terminate a fetus, and then arguing to support the right
of the state to kill someone, who after all may or may not actually have
done what they are accused of, seems to be slightly contradictory to me.
But then, of course, I am filling in the 'general' arguments to support
those positions, which may not be yours at all.
On a more practical note, if you support allowing a woman who has been raped
to terminate a fetus, then could the same argument be put into place to
support allowing a woman to terminate who, for example, felt she couldn't
support a child emotionally or financially? And wouldn't that put those
children born into that environment in a position of growing up potentially
unloved or even abandoned or abused?
And on a similarly practical note, what about the fact that prohibiting
abortion has the very real effect of making women seek hideous back street
Anyway, thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions 
One last one, I'm afraid: would you actually vote to ban abortion, if such a
motion ever came up?
Jess |