Civilian Combatants -- These are the ordinary people who find themselves suddenly in a war zone, playing the role of soldiers without actually being soldiers themselves. Not to be confused with "civilian contractors," who may or may not be paramilitary or intelligence workers, these are ordinary butchers, bakers and candlestick makers who have taken up arms to fight an invader. The underdogs, the out-of-uniform everymen (and everywomen). Unofficial and unauthorized parties who can occasionally sway the tide, both strategically and public image-wise. In fact, these forces are often extensions of (or victims of) public image and propaganda. Related to (but easily distinguishable from) The Tribe.
Upright: The partisan or resistance fighter. Vigilantism. Defense of the home. A willingness to fight to the death for patriotism, national ideals, or family ties. Massive, non-localized resistance, invisible but omnipresent. Examples: In the Revolutionary War, Washington's men. In World War II, the French Resistance & the Polish irregulars. In Vietnam, the Viet Cong. In Apocalypse Now, Kurtz's Montagnard army. In Lawrence of Arabia, Lawrence's army of Arabian nomads.
Reversed: Civilian casualties. Innocent targets, especially as used by media outlets to form public sympathy or create public reaction. Irrational disgust and fear. Pawns die for the sake of Knights and Kings. Propaganda working against its originators. Conscience as a weapon. Examples: In the Civil War, every Southern city marched on by General Sherman. In World War II, the residents of London, Dresden, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and the concentration camp internees. In Vietnam, the victims of My Lai. In Iraq, bombing victims at the Baghdad bazaar, and possibly Nick Berg, the communications contractor beheaded by Al Qaeda. |