Library of Unwritten Books
Record your imaginary book to be included in a touring exhibition.
Artists Caroline Jupp and Sam Brown are collecting one thousand imaginary books which will tour the UK from Portsmouth to Dunbar later this year. The tour will follow in the footsteps of Sam's namesake, an early mobile library
pioneer, Samuel Brown of Haddington.
Spread the Word has invited Caroline and Sam to take up residency in their office this summer to provide you with an opportunity to take part in the
project. This is your chance to talk about your abandoned novel, unrecorded memoir, or private obsession. Your unwritten book will be recorded in interview and transcribed to make a mini-book, which will be added to the
touring library.
Each participant will receive a copy of their own book.
Half-hour sessions are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Booking essential through Spread the Word.
DATES: Friday 21 May; Sunday 23 May; Friday 28 May; Sunday 30 May; Friday 4 June; Friday 11 June; Sunday 13 June; Friday 18 June
TIMES: Half hour sessions between 11am - 5.30pm
VENUE: Spread the Word, 77 Lambeth Walk, London SE11 6DX
NOTE: The artists will be also be in residence at the Whitgift Shopping Centre, Croydon on Thursday 27 May and the Chimes Shopping Centre, Hillingdon on Thursday 3 June on behalf of Spread the Word to record people's unwritten books
Book through Spread the Word on 020 7735 3111
Interviewers: Caroline Jupp and Sam Brown
Caroline Jupp and Sam Brown work in collaboration, using art as a catalyst for producing new social models. They have been presenting possibilities for alternative libraries since 2001. Previous public art commissions have
included Library of Prototypes, a collection of unrealised projects presented at: the disused Isokon building; Grozio Salonas, a free hairdressing salon in Lithuania; Allotment Archive, an urban gardening survey in Lambeth; developments, the reconstruction of found objects in Vauxhall (including used chewing gum); and Foursights, a postcard pack of overlooked urban views. Both artists have
exhibited throughout Europe and the UK, and contributed to international art symposiums in the Baltic States.
Spread the Word, 77 Lambeth Walk, London SE11 6DX
t: 020 7735 3111 f: 020 7735 2666 www.spreadtheword.org.uk |