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May day protests in Dublin

uncle retrospective
07:47 / 02.05.04
Well I don't know how much coverage this got outside Ireland but I want to give out about the protest I was at last night. First of all the government banned the first proposed march, the first march banned since 1913. Then the government calls in 7,800 officers – more that half the police force in Ireland.
About the banned march

So what happened?
See here.
Now I'm not (that) political but it was the May day march and a beautiful day for a walk through Dublin so off we went. Now there was a peaceful march through the streets which ended 2 miles from where the EU V.I.P's were having a nice lunch. The street was blocked the police and everyone was just standing round drinking beer and enjoying the day. There were a few kids annoying the police (I mean kids, the oldest was about 15) running at the lines, and throwing empty beer cans. So the cops use 2 water cannon trucks and then send in over 300 riot police. We had to back off and decided that it was time to go home.
So were sitting in my Gf's house which was on the route when we saw the blue lights outside. Out we went only to see about half a mile of riot police. Hundreds of riot police, ordinary officers, mounted police, water canon trucks and riot vans. It was incredible. They were following about 100 protesters who were just going home.
Now the Irish press and sky are calling us a mob and anti EU protesters. Bastards.
I'll see if I can dig up any pictures, I have no web space to put up my photos.
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