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Do you smoke a pipe?


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13:46 / 16.06.04
Loomis, old chap:

Light the pipe using a pipe lighter or wooden match, petrol lighters can cause unpleasant odours and tastes. At first try to char the top of the tobacco, to allow the flame to catch. The "charring light" as it is called should aim to ignite the tobacco, without scorching the bowl. Tamp the charred tobacco down and then apply the second flame, puffing gently as you light the tobacco.

From leading Paignton tobacconist Purdy & Tully's website.

See you in the Groucho at nine?
15:47 / 16.06.04
If anyone does go into a tobacconist's to ask about the business of pipe smoking, please report back here the moment you get back to the web. I'll be dying to know whether or not you had a friendly arm placed firmly but gently round your shoulders and were led through a secret doorway into an Aladdin's cave of pipes and pipe accessories.


"Soon I'll be smoking my pipe while riding my bike European-style."

What on Earth is European style bike riding? Would it be side-saddle, with two feet on one peddle, one hand on the handlebars and the other round your pipe?
15:50 / 16.06.04
I'll be there. Just look for the guy trying not to drool around the edge of his pipe. It's much harder trying to smoke hands-free than with cigs.

My technique is slowly improving, although I don't have a proper pipe tool for tamping etc., so Ariadne's multi tool has been stolen from her bike gear and is filling in for the mo. She is very understanding so far. Perhaps she has read this advice, from

It helps to get a tobacco that your wife or girlfriend likes, so get her input. If she doesn't like pipes at all, get a new one of those, too.
15:55 / 16.06.04
Saveloy: I kind of mis-typed that. i was thinking of the way you see old ladies in Europe cycling down to the shops with a ciggie dangling from their mouths. Mind you in Europe I've seen many tasks undertaken skillfully with strategically placed ciggie, including a meat market in Athens (no, not the disco). Watching a middle-aged Greek man gesticulating wildly with a large hunk of meat and an ash-laden ciggie drooping from beneath his moustache was a sight to behold.

PS I like the side-saddle idea though. If I could work out a way to ride a bike like that then you can bet I'd be doing it.

PPS I am typing this with a pipe clenched hopefully between my teeth.
16:09 / 16.06.04

Heh, you should def. give it a go. The problem would be balance - you could literally bend over backwards, so that you had half your weight over each side of the bar. It would look as if you had got stuck whilst trying to do the high jump, Fosbury Flop style, over the bicycle frame; risky, because it might cause the tobacco to fall out of your pipe and into your face, which in turn would cause you to careen into a duck pond - extinguishing the pipe - or a haystack, which would undoubtedly be set alight. The safer, and more dignified alternative would be to attach a counterweight, a dummy of yourself perhaps, or an animal of the same weight. Of course, you could share your bicycle with a pipe-smoking, side-saddling friend.
21:13 / 16.06.04
I smoke a pipe once in a while.. not the regular one, mind you
The Falcon
23:16 / 17.06.04
Oh, I should point out that I personally am an irregular pipe smoker.
00:28 / 18.06.04
Here in Mexico very unsual, but I do. Or at least I used to, now I canĀ“t seem to find the time to do it o to be in the mood. It takes longer and in the end is much more enjoyable.
07:35 / 18.06.04
We discovered last night that the very nice pub across from the new flat is frequented by pipe smokers.
All Loomis needs now is a paunch and a greying beard and he'll fit right in. Maybe I'll get him both for Christmas.
10:35 / 18.06.04
I also need to learn how to smoke it properly lest I be shunned by them ...
22:32 / 18.06.04
Just bought a new pipe, a Peterson briar, yesterday. The owner of the shop is Iranian, as it turned out, so he gave me the whole lecture in Farsi (and my Farsi is not that great).

I had a lot of problems with this pipe, which has a narrower, steeper bowl than I'm used to. It burned too hot and went out too frequently. I think I packed the bowl far too loosely (also the tobacco was more moist than the kind I used to smoke). Just a plain English style tobacco, no fruit or spice.

It was very, very nice and peaceful though. Purcell complements a pipe nicely. My roommate took a humorously unflattering photo which I will eventually get around to posting.

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