If we for a moment accept reincarnation as a fact, it would be logical to assume that you could direct it, at least to a certain extend. The question, then, is how much? How much of yourself can you bring on into the next body? How much of your past selves can you dig up in this life? How much of your future life can you decide? Birth location? Economic situation? Gender?
Imagine your current personality in a child body of the opposite sex. Unless you had already settled such issues, it might fuck you up pretty bad.
Also, at what point do we become ourselves. If you bring your present personality into a new body, will you have to go through the normal stages of childhood development, or would you be you completely in a new born body?
That's an awful lot of questions. I'll see if I can contribute a bit to the answers.
First, we must figure out what the normal mechanism is for reincarnation. Is it mandatory, or dependant on your choice? Does karma play a role?
If reincarnation is the norm, there must be some sort of memory wipe mechanism. This could probably be circumvented, though. After all, we are outrageously powerful magicians, right?
There has been cases of young children allegedly remembering past lives. These were usually very young (6-7 years, IIRC). Thus it would seem that at least part of the usual development of personality and psychology could be bypassed, if a sufficiently stable personality was brought over. The personalities these children exhibit are willful, determined as possess a great deal of memory and emotion related to their former lives. Perhaps the usual development is really more of a recovery. Anyway, it would seem that it could be possible to be conscious and aware at a relatively young age, and to retain a large portion, if not all, of your former self.
Regarding karma, we run into problems. Is it real, for example. If karma does exist, it might be quite a problem. Maybe you could strike some sort of deal with whomever is running the universal racket, but barring that your only option is to be a nice guy (or girl, naturally).
Much more interesting is the possibility that karma is a joke. If this is the case, it would be quite possible to decide all such things as location, gender, economy, parents etc. It would be a matter of discovering the normal mechanism and exploiting it. Perhaps your situation is determined by your thoughts at death, perhaps your general emotional attachments. Either way, it should be possible to tip things in your favour with a dedicated effort.
Regarding the Black Rite, mentioned in Liber Null, do you think it would be possible to occupy another persons body, without giving up your own. For example, you go into a trance, project astrally, invade the other body, do whatever you came there for, leave the body and go back to your old.
Is it really necessary to give up your old body? |