Honestly, there's a reason for this. My girlfriend happens to be the maid of honor in a wedding. Her task is to basically make sure that the other maid of honor (long story and a post in and of itself) doesn't completely blow things, such as the bachelorette party. Now both the bride-to-be and my girlfriend happen to be pretty laid back about this sort of thing, and both find your average run-of-the-mill male stripper rather repeugnant for somewhat obvious reasons. The other maid of honor is insisting on one, so they gurdgingly go along.
At which point, it was suggested that if there was a stripper that looked like various skinny, and potentially tatooed rock stars that there could conceivably be a market for that. I'm sure many MANY a person here would enjoy a Bowie look-a-like taking his clothes off only for you... and maybe a few other screaming people... The problem is, looking through all these ads, they tend to be for your average, hideous, tanned, buff and steroid case gyrators. (Including a glorious ad for some Chicago South Side strippers with names like "Klimaxx" and "Lickemlow").
So, any chance we could honestly find someone like this? (And yes, the bride-to-be would actually love a Billy Corgan stripper. This is an image that causes both me and my girlfriend great ammounts of pain, but hey- it's her party. I see "Billy Corgan" posts here once in a while. Think he'd be up for it?)
I apologize to everyone for this post. I'm going to hide in shame now. |