I haven't read all of Underground History (hey, I'm lazy and unemployed and am waiting to find it in a library), but I read another Gatto book - "Dumbing Us Down" - which has a broadly similar message. I think that what Gatto has to say is interesting, if a little unsurprising. It is also a great time to indoctrinate / socially engineer people, simply because you have grabbed the kids at the time when parents are most fallible. Every parent wants their child to 'do well', and from that comes a logical extension that their child must go to school even though school based learning has never been shown to be very effective. In my personal experience, it's been highly ineffective. Since leaving school, I've been trying to get the education I never had - trying to get my head around philosophy and science - because I feel that due to our appalling school system, my early years were destroyed. |