Well, it´s just a cold... :S is nothing so OHHHHH! MY GOD WHAT A DISEASEEEEEE!!!! Any one gets cold sometimes.
I got that theory about the germs where not mines, but i try to get them from no one. Here is midle of winter, the river is close too, so is not so dificult get a cold, you go out with out proper clothes and.. taran! you get cold. 
Some here sound really offended, another gets some idea of what im triying to do, its just an experiment, like any other experiment... but i dont have bunnies, so i use my brother, im guilty, call animal care departament.
Urh... well, back to the experiment he gets better, is on better mood too.
Start to writte and draw some.
The fact he didnt say nothing about the mail i send is weird, because he usually laugh about it, or say mindless thing like some wrotte over this. But nothing at all.
I didnt say nothing about it either, i´m waiting he alone come here and tell me something.
You think is better to interfeer or not? Should i ask something about the dreams he posibbly had? Try some indirect qestion like "Hey, try to remember the dreams..." or "Wrotte the dreams you´ll have..." or something like that to push him?
Another note before you keep answer here, AIDS test that many millons of people are interconected, so i think im not so "loquito" :P
See you in your tissues.....;:/
http://www.valerieclaireminiatures.co.uk/l%20ponds%20tissues%20and%20cold%20cream.JPG |