Oh, I did just that trip basically, this Febuary 
It's all great. We liked Mexico city best of all, actually. Check out all the murals, and the parks, etc. And the tequila.
San Cristobal is very pretty, but incredibly touristy, in that backpacker way. But there are also tour buses of americans. There is a REALLY nice Indian restaurant there, which you'll probably be given fliers for... (there's only one in town). It does some excellent banana dishes.
Palenque is, again, pretty but touristy. It's kind of amazing, but the impression is lessened because of the tourist influx. I love mayan ruins, so I dug it, but it depends on your opinion on such things. Bring bug repellent. Palenque town is hideous, but much more modern than San Cristobal.
Going to see the waterfalls (Agua Azul, etc), really is extremely cool, but, again, totally on the backpacker route.
Driving through Chiapas (in a bus, in our case) was probably the best part. Also the forests, which are jungles really, are really amazing.
So, yes, highly recommended, but with the proviso you don't mind a certain amount of 'we've all got the lonely planet mexico' encounters, et al.
Also, learn some spanish before hand, if you don't already know some, or you will find it hard to get around, especially in Chiapas. Basically, it means you are confining yourself to stuff that doesn't involve communication, and therefore can't 'do it yourself' so much.
But, have fun in Mexico |