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Anyone in Brighton need a flat-mate?

captain piss
19:17 / 25.04.04
Just wondering if anyone has, or knows of anyone who has, a room to rent in Brighton, from the beginning of May (next week) – perhaps just for about a week or so, or maybe longer term? I'm coming down then to start some work.
I’ve bungled the whole “get organised before you do down” effort…I had a house-sitting thing arranged in Hayward’s Heath but that’s fallen through. … Soooo...An alternative possibility, which I would only entertain on the basis that someone would accept a cash payment from me in advance, is that I could maybe crash on someone’s couch for a few days (potentially up to a period of a week, to be honest).
Does anyone know if it's quite hard or easy to find flats in Brighton...I think I'm just going to try and find a house-sharing thing
19:23 / 25.04.04
Obviously I don't have a flat to rent in Brighton, but if this means you got the job, then hurray! Although you'll now have a long way to go for the Scottish barb meets being planned ...
21:42 / 25.04.04
congrats man - glad to see you back 'dahn saff' are you going to blow through london on the way to yr new job?
Gypsy Lantern
21:17 / 26.04.04
Aye, big congrats on the new job, oddly enough I was thinking of PMing you this afternoon to ask if that worked out or not.
15:18 / 27.04.04
Sorry, I can't offer you a room. I can't even point you in the direction of someone who can offer you a room.

I can, however, offer a little advice.

Finding house-shares in Brighton is a piece of piss. The town is choc-a-bloc full of young-sorts and students floundering from house to house, so rooms pop up all the time. The Friday Ad website is a good place to start any house hunt; there's normally a host of people desperate to find a housemate at the last min. Also, do you know anyone who works for Legal and General or Amex? Their notice boards are flooded with spare rooms.
Mourne Kransky
16:12 / 27.04.04
Lots of memes awaiting buggery down there, I'm sure. Looks like that's two in and one out though. The Barbelith plan to repopulate Scotland will never be get off the ground at this rate. Those left behind will all just have to start breeding - nothing else for it.
17:13 / 27.04.04
You, my dear Xoc, are more likely to start breeding than I am. I am officially allergic to children, vile little things. So Scotland's population depends on me luring you and Ganesh north.

Actually, I know of four other people (and three weans) planning to move back at the moment - Scotland is the place to be at the moment.
rizla mission
20:52 / 27.04.04
Obviously I don't have anything particularly constructive or Brighton-related to add to this thread, but hey meme, nice going! What's this job? Is it a good one?
captain piss
12:48 / 28.04.04
Cheers all – yeah, the job’s alright- copywriting about computers and things... I don’t think you really want to know too much about it, Riz, heheh.
Ta for the advice about flats Bobossboy, a man I remember seeing flailing around on a stage when I once visited Brighton. Looking forward to some coastal hi-jinx with some of you fuckers, if possible
Sorry to be leaving the Scottish cell, which is growing by the day – I’ll have to content myself with fireside brandy’s at Xmas with ariadne, loomis, yawn, toks et al (unless y’all decide to come down and stay, which ah'd encourage)
The Natural Way
14:57 / 29.04.04
Right. I really don't understand why Boboss didn't mention this before, but the Twart and I are looking for a place, too. Now, I know yr on yr way doon Bengali's yard and I think it might be a good idea to hook up......
captain piss
15:01 / 30.04.04
oh hey - sounds like that might be worth having a chat about - I'll maybe try and catch you for a drink some time soon
captain piss
15:10 / 30.04.04
oh yeah- Boboss PM'd me that you were looking for a flat too
The Natural Way
16:03 / 30.04.04

Give us a nod when you get down here.
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