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Barbeblogs Updates

12:51 / 25.04.04
The Barbeblogs page has been updated, with everyone who has requested a listing receiving one, as of today.

Sorry it took so long. I had forgotten that it was possible for me to do actual hands on HTML coding, despite having taught several hundred people how to do exactly that over the past year.
05:10 / 26.04.04
thankyou! Yay! Do I get my white badge now?

I'm getting a 404 with Jack Frost's page though...
13:31 / 26.04.04
Thanks for updating, I find it interesting to read people's blogs. If you have time, if you could correct where it says "Squimelia" to "Squirmelia", that would be cool.
13:58 / 26.04.04
I don't get one, you poop!

fine. just - just fine. I don't want to be on your list anyway, it's not even alphabetized!

see if I ever send you candy.
19:03 / 26.04.04
Yeah, there's something wrong with Jack Frost's link.

Bitchiekittie, despite the fact that you've called me a poop, I'll be happy to list you, if you give me your link...
19:08 / 26.04.04
Oh, link me too, if you are updating and things, and I am not too new to qualify or whatever...

Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:20 / 27.04.04
Umm... you may as well take down the link to The Exchange--I don't update it anymore. I would appreciate a link to if you get round to it.
Tom Morris
18:53 / 27.04.04
I'm not sure whether I qualify, but a link to my blog (Legalistic Fingerpointing) would be appreciated: my blog
20:11 / 27.04.04
Do livejournal blogs count, or is admitting I have one the equivalent, in the blogging world, of saying that I enjoy wearing lacy pink knickers and masturbating over pictures of Jonathan Creek?
Tom Coates
21:14 / 27.04.04
That's not going to phase anyone here - the regular Jonathan Creek wank-nights are a bit of a tradition I'm afraid. As ever my site remains at
21:59 / 27.04.04
I'm not entirely convinced you need to add that Tom, but it's really quite sweet that you did.

Logos, my blog can be found at my site ioddia and if you could add me that would be rock and roll.
19:31 / 28.04.04
I'm not alone! God, it feels like coming home...

Okay, then. The thing is at

Sorry, I don't know how to put links in message board posts.

Right, think I'll watch that video of 'The Brief', now. Alan Davies in a wig! With the Gold Blend lady! Hmmm, it gives me a sex wee...
19:58 / 28.04.04
ok, now that I'm finished sulking, it would make me feel fuzzy loved to have my lj added.
23:39 / 28.04.04
What a grand idea. Thanks for starting it! Mine be here.

This should go in the wiki somewhere.
23:45 / 28.04.04
Everybody's added and whatnot.
02:13 / 29.04.04
velvetvandal, there's this big link at the top of every "post your reply" page that says how to format text, post links and images
Spatula Clarke
02:24 / 29.04.04
This should go in the wiki somewhere.

It is now, but somebody needs to come up with a better description for it (and Queer Granny).
12:14 / 29.04.04
I think cusm is saying that the *list of blogs* should be in the Wiki, which does make sense, people could add their own... though the Barbeblogs page does look nicer.
15:58 / 29.04.04

Cheers 'n all
16:01 / 29.04.04
just wanted to point out that mordant carnival and betty woo are not the same person...if, indeed, that's what the slash was meant to suggest.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:02 / 29.04.04
Nope, unless I've got MPD. Think there might be a HTML glitch there.
The Tower Always Falls
20:29 / 01.05.04
Oh what the hell.

I got roped in by friends. Now I can navel-gaze in my own space right here.
23:48 / 01.05.04
Oh, hmmm.

Logos, currently Velvet Vandal appears to be masquerading as me, but with a bad link. A la so: olulabelle /a /li %20%20%20%20 li a%20href=

(Obviously < and > tags deleted to reproduce it here.) This is something which VV might not be so happy about...

Without any coding, Velvet Vandal can be found at:

And I am located here:
23:46 / 02.05.04
As an aside, if you want to put triangular brackets in a post, you can use

&lt; = <

&gt; = >

I'll put that in the wiki actually.
Spatula Clarke
23:54 / 02.05.04
You know what I've always wondered, fridge? How the hell do you type < and > without having them turn into the brackets that they're code for?
Spatula Clarke
23:54 / 02.05.04
Like that.
00:05 / 03.05.04
< how lovely to know! > Thanks fridge.
00:35 / 03.05.04
You can just type < as usual if it's not part of a tag, but otherwise, you have to use &lt; cos it'll parse it.

I did put it in the wiki with a couple of others as well. There's a link to the full set.
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