I've got a good one for ya...
I'm quite comfortable with speaking in public. Hence I don't mind calling something out during a lecture if I think it needs to be said. I had one lecturer who was always reading excerpts from the core text and making fun of it (it was business strategy) and how waffly it was. At one point when he had made such a remark, I asked, with great sincerity, if it was so crap, why was it the core text. I think it was well done and at the right moment.
However, my judgement is not always so good. One time this same lecturer was making reference to the bestseller "Eats, shoots and leaves", and I can't for the life of me remember how it came up, but I decided to challenge the spelling of 'shoots'. He incredulously asked me how it ought to be spelt, to which I confidently replied 'C-H-U-T-E-S'.
Unphased, he continued in a similar manner, wondering why anyone would want to eat a parachute. Meanwhile I noticed a lot of my couresmates laughing. And it was genuine laughter as well, it wasn't like 'ha ha what a dick let's make fun of him', it was genuine laughter at the genuine stupidity of what I had just said. I kinda blush at the thought of it now, but at the time I think I was just puzzled. I was sitting there thinking 'what just happened? What got into me? Why in the name of buggery did I just say that?' To this day I still have no idea. It was just so ridiculous. |