For those of you with a Apple computer and decent cpu this program looks pretty cool, though vastly out of my intelligence range, with regard to ease of use. The name is misleading and it's a real pain in the ass to actually create one's own fractal. The color palattes can be tweaked to make crazy spirals and swirls that can be magnified to a(n) (semi) infinite point with the default Mandelbrot fractal set. Julia sets can also be used and the resolution, along with the real time display, is exquisite. I assume that depending on the fractal function used, the patterns of self similar 3D spheres and columns would be altered, but at this point the operation of how exactely to do this illudes me.
Makes for great design opportunites, especially when you've take low doses of psycidelics and need a visually stimulating picture to provoke the hallucinations.
Have fun:
http://download.com.com/3000-2246-10282365.html?tag=lst-0-1 |