Though it's unlikely a law sending low-rise pants wearers to jail will pass, this is just another example of the dramatically conservative swing of the pendulum in the US. Then there's the specter of mandatory military service, and heavy censorship going on in the entertainment industries... how far d'you think it will go? Are we becoming the kind of oppressed nation that we're trying so valiantly to "liberate?"
(Don't know if this should be moved to Switchboard or something, I anticipate a more casual chat....)
What I want to know is, when did the fashion for having clothing with writing on your butt come in? Is the arse the new tits? I don't know if this has hit the UK yet.
It has hit the UK, and very perplexing it is too. Then again I suppose however having writing across your arse is no wierder than going around with slogans emblazened across your chest. But that is slightly off topic, hasn't there always been this puritanical trend in the US? I mean you've always taken your religion far more seriously than us in the UK.
Wow. The people in that article just sound like bitter old folks who hate what the young 'uns are up to nowadays... I mean, in Ontario women can legally walk around topless! Get with the trend! Within 50 years we'll all be naked!
Watched a woman in a burqa as surrepticiously as I could the other day at work as she sat with some colleagues having lunch. I was simply curious to see how she managed to eat when the only flesh that was meeting the air was a little slit round her eyes.
The three guys were chomping away and I didn't see her eat anything. Did she have to wait till she got home or somewhere private I wonder before having some scran? Anybody know the answer?
And, obviously, on the other matter, the more ass that meets my gaze in everyday life, the happier I am. Louisiana is very hot, no? There should be government encouragement, on public health grounds, to bare as much flesh as possible.
I see the ACLU guy's point about plumbers crack, but I'm not sure it's a good one. I don't think too many people will be marching in the streets protesting the ban on plumbers crack.
Especially when ass is the new tits! I'm going to get a jump on the soon-to-be-booming ass jewelry market. If you liked Janet's nipple shield, you're gonna love this...
the more ass that meets my gaze in everyday life, the happier I am.
is that gender or species specific?
i quite like the writing on the ass thing... i had assumned irt was a way to direct the eyes to it, in a similar way to putting a badge above each nipple if you are a proudly large breasted woman. i know i have a flashing light on my zipper.
Just wanted to congratulate Qalyn on brightening my day with the word gubernatorial. Guess you have to go to America to enjoy true gubernatorial crack flash. In the meantime I'll keep thinking about toksik in his thong-like short shorts.
Not gender specific, this buttock-peeking-out obsession, as long as she has a very manly butt. I have been fooled by ladeez with manly butts before this time.
Thong-above-waistband is also a way of directing attention to the arse, though, isn't it? It's like an arrow pointing down to your crack. Just like a tie is basically saying "cock - this way".
I'm sure there are environmentally-safe vegetable-based cock dyes out there. If there aren't, someone needs to get in there and provide them. I mean, what is this world coming to if a gentleman can't have a multicoloured member? Disgraceful.
I'm registering right now.