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Circus2Iraq members released by kidnappers

16:40 / 22.04.04
Hi you might remember the Circus2Iraq project that Angel was involved with, raising funds to send circus performers to work with children in Iraq. (Gathering thread)

This is just an update as they were involved in the relief effort in Fallujah and have just been released after being kidnapped by Iraqi fighters while on their way out of the area. One of the team, Jo Wilding wrote this account of what happened (BBC coverage)

She's been posting dispatches from Iraq and you might have seen this report from Fallujah elsewhere on the net.

Check out the rest of the team's reports at the main Circus2Iraq website.
11:55 / 23.04.04
Thanks for that invisible_al. (he has better webfu than me)

If you have a chance, read the story in Jo's own words, it's really interesting.

At the cabaret I worked on we managed to raise just over £2,000 for the work that they are doing out there. As you can see, they go well beyond just circus stuff, and it seems that when faced with horrendous choices all you can do is what seems to be the right thing at the time. It's a small drop in the midst of such madness, but each small act of kindness and humanity is worth its weight in gold.
13:02 / 23.04.04
I'm sure your aware already but that arse Littlejohn is using this story as his "You couldn't make it up" story today...
black mask
13:16 / 23.04.04
I wonder what the Pentagon will say when the media broadcast the first photos of dead clowns coming home..?
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