An excellent site!
The thing that impresses me most about this endeavour is how cleanly the contributors adhere to each strip's *implied* but never explicitly stated rule-set.
"Surface" is *gorgeous*! I'm just delighted with the idea that nobody has broken the silence in that strip, collective respect for he work has maintained something really focussed and emergent there. A really excellent example of something that could *only* be done as a comic jam, one creator couldn't bring all that stuff out by themselves, they'd run out of ideas or their "creation-wave" would change "flavour" and they'd want to *use* the story for something rather than letting it follow its own rhythm.
And "Ozzy"'s just as good, in the opposite direction! Every new contributor has to screw with the previous contributor's input! And it all evolved out of an accident in the first few pages! |