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Bye Bye Barbelith

pachinko droog
16:24 / 21.04.04
I don't want to take up too much bandwidth here, but am just posting to let you all know that I've decided to leave the board. Nothing personal, I just don't feel that this board is what it used to be. Something has changed. I can't really put my finger on it, but it doesn't have the same appeal for me that it once did. I wish you all good luck in your future endeavours.

Nobody's girl
16:30 / 21.04.04
I'll miss your insight, good luck with your life's endeavours sir.
Tryphena Absent
16:52 / 21.04.04
Always assuming it's the board, never assuming it's yourself. Bye.
bio k9
23:11 / 21.04.04
Oh come on, Anna. Barbelith hasn't been the same since the beautiful bisexual models left and you know it.
Char Aina
02:42 / 22.04.04
so you havent seen my photo, then?
Char Aina
02:44 / 22.04.04
i second anna's point, by the way.
bah'belidd is daaaaaaaah-yin, maaaahn!
or should that be
Bah'beliff is DED t'me!

no offence, PD, you seem alright.
Saint Keggers
03:07 / 22.04.04
I think the ol 'lith goes through moments when we all just sit around saying inane things waiting for the right vibe (or something) to set in before we get back to our apex.
Expecially if there's a damn bursting of newbies who infuse the place with their 'je ne sais quoi'. After a while they mellow into place like puzzle pieces and everything carries on as it should.

Dont leave. Rather, maybe, just lurk for a while and jump back in when theings are more to your liking.
No star here laces
03:40 / 22.04.04
I think it's great just now. The newbies liven things up a ton. I'm glad membership is easier now...
03:42 / 22.04.04
Except after yesterday's unpleasantness, of course, it isn't.
Baz Auckland
03:59 / 22.04.04
I think the moderators are so quick, that the unpleasantness isn't even noticed a lot of the time... (i.e. I have no idea what happened yesterday, but can assume...)
06:23 / 22.04.04
When you come back, PD, can you put summaries on your topics please. Be seeing you.
08:27 / 22.04.04
That's a shame mate - I liked your contributions in Swtitchboard esp. Be helpful if you said why/what you thought of things (hopefully, without it turning into one of those hideous metathreads where everything is discussed to the point of tedium and beyond). I think Barbelith is going through a lot of c-c-changes at the moment but with a bit of goodwill, hopefully we can, collectively, keep the quality up.

*crosses fingers*
08:42 / 22.04.04
While we're having a bit of a clear-out, you can fuck off as well, Illmatic. And you, Auckland. Pack your bags.
09:15 / 22.04.04
Alright, alrighht, I'm going. If you wnat to know why, it's because Sax keeps on sending me picture of himself semi naked in Sid James drag. What was once a passing joke has now become an obsession for him, and I fear for my personal safety should he ever find out my address. Be warned, kids.

Stay away.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:17 / 22.04.04
I'd just like to say that the presense of so many gliterring newbies has enlivened my Barbelith experience no end. Hurrah for newbies!
16:33 / 22.04.04
I can't really put my finger on it, but it doesn't have the same appeal for me that it once did

Has anyone else noticed that Pachinko Droog has been registered on Barbelith for less than a year? How can it have changed that much in such a short time? If it has, how can one be sure that those changes are not cyclical, or the swing of a pendulum, or whatever. Seeing things get a bit less good over a year's period and declaring terminal decline seems a bit rash.
16:46 / 22.04.04
They are cyclical. That's why variations on the 'Barbelith is dying' theme have become such a cliche.
ibis the being
18:28 / 22.04.04
Every time there's a sunny warm Saturday, I suddenly find I hate the entire Internet. Could be the spring. Maybe we'll see you in September, droog.
Tryphena Absent
18:35 / 22.04.04
Hmm, I seem to have started a horrid time in this thread but I didn't mean to be quite so harsh. Mind you, can't really hurt a person when they've gone!

I missed all the clean up the other day because I was offline for *gasp* 48 hours. It's great when you pick the right time to ignore the computer!!!
21:41 / 22.04.04
This isn't just my last show of Barbelith for this tour.

It's the last time... we will ever play Barbelith

Yeah, I'm off. Illmatic made me do it with his endless sexual harrassment. A bad breakup with Sax just doesn't excuse it.
22:46 / 22.04.04
I know who wrote the topic abstract! Can we have laws against that phrase, please? The punishment should be visciously grazed shins.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:59 / 22.04.04
Anna, that kind of dereliction of duty won't be tolerated.

Hand in your swipecard as you leave.

At least this way the newbies will be safe.
00:20 / 23.04.04
Viscous glazing on the shins? Oh, ra-THER! Lovely and smooth!
00:49 / 23.04.04
I've got a cheese grater with your name on it, buddy!
01:50 / 23.04.04
Well, if it's got his name on it it's probably his.

Char Aina
03:39 / 23.04.04
anna, i dont think you were being harsh.

what, exactly, is meant to be the point of an "its all crap but i wont say why, so there. oh, and im NEVER coming back." thread?

surely it is to shamne us into making it a place that the pachino droogs of the world will love?
or so that we will mourn his passing?

i refuse to believe it was purely for the sake of letting hir friends know, as that coulda been done by PM. i am sure there is a good and tenable purpose there somwhere, but i cant see it.

i have no axe to grind, y'know?
i just dont think that someone asking for it should be surprised when it says fuck off.

why should any of us be upset for the poor bugger when ze not only says we are the problem but wont say why?

sorry, but no.

like i say, its really not personal. short of about ten you, you're all just shapes in the ether anyway.
Char Aina
03:44 / 23.04.04
of course, when i leave, people will start threads for me.
sort of the online equivalent of the wailing and the gnashing of teeth, and that whole sackcloth and ash routine.
Tom Coates
07:29 / 23.04.04
I should say that has happened in the past - members who have been much loved have said that they have to leave for one reason or another (sometimes because they're not in the right head-space for the board) and in several cases people have been really upset because it's a trusted friend and well-respected / admired board-member leaving. On the whole though, these threads seem mostly about making a big fuss when you're probably going to be back in six months anyway and I think most of us are a bit bored of them.
Haus of Mystery
07:45 / 23.04.04
But hasn't anyone noticed how EVERYTHING used to be better. In the old days.
08:17 / 23.04.04
But hasn't anyone noticed how EVERYTHING used to be better. In the old days.

oh yes! the good old days. How I long for the past! Things were much simpler in the good old days. Things were exciting. After leaving my door unlocked I'd go to the shops, buy some fags, have a haircut, put a bet on, eat a pasty, go to the footie, get a bus home and STILL have change from a fiver. There were no newbies on Barbelith back you see. How things have changed!
08:58 / 23.04.04
You had a better class of criminal back then, too. Only went after their own, they did.

And they loved their old mum.
black mask
12:55 / 23.04.04
You could leave your front door open, too.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:22 / 23.04.04
You could leave the keys to your fictionsuit on the table and know no one would take them...
black mask
13:25 / 23.04.04
You could buy Fresca... with heroin in.
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