LLBIMG: Do you really think when the word is used pejoratively it's to "apply qualities and attributes of that portion of anatomy" to something else? How absurd. Cunt, dick and asshole are completely interchangeable as swear words...
(From the linked thread)
That is the assertion I am questioning here. I would say they are clearly not, and the examples I give above I think go a little way to demonstrating that. No doubt others could suggest their own examples.
The other thread covers a lot of the underlying issues of what swearing is, how its offensiveness is measured, and, to use Haus's terminology, "the relationship between second-order terminologies and their descriptors".
What I am interested in here is the apparent lack of relationship between second-order terminologies and their descriptors.
The Monkey: I always thought words like "prick" "cock" and "dick" drew a comparison between the physicality and body mechanics of the erect penis and the behavior of the person so described. If you get an erection in most social settings, it is inappropriate and awkward, a thing to be ignored, talked around...even though its presence it vividly obvious. A penis protrudes from the body, standing out from the symmetry and order of the rest of the body. It's mechanical function is to thrust, intrude, penetrate. Now map these physical features onto the personality traits the someone labelled a "prick", etc., possesses.
Now, if that is the case, should words like 'prick', 'dick', 'cock' etc not be entirely equivalent in their usage? I personally find that they're not. I would use 'dick' to describe someone who is embarassing, 'prick' to describe someone who is inconsiderate and arrogant, and 'cock' to describe someone who is so aggravating that you want put their head through a wall. Is there any more widespread distinction between the words, or is that just my view? And why did another poster think to use exactly the same word I did to describe someone?
I would suggest considering the relation between 'twat' and 'cunt', but evidently that would be more complex and controversial, so perhaps we could stick to male genitalia.
TBH, I'm not entirely sure what I'm trying to achieve here. Maybe I'm just thinking aloud. But hey, this is the conversation... |