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11:33 / 20.04.04
Bigots. Fuck 'em.

Now, don't you all look at me funny just cos I said it.

I'm sure some of 'em are alright. Fuck, some of my bestest mates are bigots. Never let it be said I was anti-bigot. I saw a film about some once and I cried. I cried like a woman.

But we can't let too many of them bigots in. Or it's just political correctness gone mad. And the terrorists have won. Comin' over ere, bein all racist and homophobic to our workmates.

You couldn't make it up.
11:56 / 20.04.04
I think if people want to be bigoted in their own home, they should be free to. It's their health afterall. But I do believe it should be banned in public places, since it's a medical fact that bigotry can be absorbed passively.
And no, designated 'No Bigotry' areas in pubs and restaurants don't work since their toxic intolerance permeates the whole atmosphere. Honestly, it’s like having a ‘No Pissing’ area in a swimming pool!!!

As Stoatie says, think of the children.
Hattie's Kitchen
12:07 / 20.04.04
What I hate is the way they try to shove their bigotry down my throat, to try to make it look normal, it's not enough that they're bigots, but they have to browbeat the rest of us into becoming bigots as well. I blame the bigot mafia in the media, corrupting our kids with their bigoty lifestyles.
12:11 / 20.04.04
They're everywhere you know. These bigots. You might not believe it but some newspapers in our very own country are run by them!
12:15 / 20.04.04
It's that International Bigot Conspiracy.

They're fucking everywhere.

Some of the fuckers're like teachers and stuff.

Where will it end?
12:19 / 20.04.04
And, you know, most of 'em breed like rats. Where I come from, they even have special status and complain they're discriminated against and even that the "PC thought police" are after 'em. Bunch of whiners if you ask me.
12:21 / 20.04.04
Send 'em all back where they came from!! Er...well I don't want one marrying my sister.
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:32 / 20.04.04
'Ere, listen, I can tell a bigot just by looking at them. I've got that Bigdar. Check it out.


Not bigots.


Clearly not a bigot.
Grey Area
12:42 / 20.04.04
1. Bigots all sound like Archie Bunker
2. Bigots are made...not born..
3 . Bigots carry a card identifying their percentage of Bigotry
4. Bigots always mark Caucasian on census records
5. Bigots think anyone not like them, are inferior
6. Bigots think in Categories, not in People
7. Bigots all have beer guts
8. Bigots are ALWAYS working class, lower class or unemployed.
9. Bigots are ALWAYS ill educated.
10. All bigots watch WWF wrestling AND believe it is real!
11. All bigots beat their wives and neglect their children...unless it is to teach them yet more bigotry.
12. All bigots wear t-shirts with derogatory sayings upon them.
13. All bigots hang out with others of their kind.
14. All bigots have small penises
15. All bigots come from the south.
16. All bigots are members of KKK.
17. The "white-collar" bigots can't miss Rush Limbaugh
18. Bigots always use Brillcream or have their hair cut in a flat top.
19. Male bigots insist their wives be barefoot and pregnant.
20. Bigots drive trucks with gun racks.
21. Bigots don't eat quiche'.
22. Bigots are easily offended by the term Bigot

S'true. This has all been proven by observation and scientific studies involving real scientists using sciency methods and that.
12:45 / 20.04.04
Yeah, but I learned in university that 74% of statistics involving bigots are actually explained on a pie chart that I lost somewhere...

...hold on a minute...
12:47 / 20.04.04
15. All bigots come from the south.

Ah, not in the English paradigm. To quote Clare in the Community (a charming cartoon strip from the Wednesday Guardian about social workers): "We must fight prejudice and bigotry wherever we find it. Especially Up North, where they're all as thick as pigshit."

No, really. Just off Land's End is a tiny island no bigger than a footbal pitch where happy hermy children of all nations dance hand in hand...
13:49 / 20.04.04
Of course the other thing I don't like about Bigots, is they always over-generalise - lumping people together. Bloody scum!
13:56 / 20.04.04


Cockatoos are not bigots. All the cockatoos I have ever met have been seriously apolitical, nicely rounded tolerant birds.
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:04 / 20.04.04

"We don't like your kind round here..."
14:16 / 20.04.04

But but but...
17:04 / 20.04.04
Dr Biznuth, that's not a bigot, that's a cockatoo who's been taught by a bigot.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:49 / 20.04.04
You do know what most bigotphobes tend to be don't you? I think you should all take a long hard look at yourselves...
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
18:02 / 20.04.04

Me, explaining how all bigots (and parakeets) are scum-suckers.
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