A possible alternative is a symbol taken from the original Star Trek, that representing the Vulcan Science Academy, and summarized as IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations). The symbol itself looks like a triangle inside a crescent moon, tilted maybe 20 degrees to the right, and a circle where the triangle's peak and the two points of the crescent meet. Come to think of it, the whole concept sounds a lot like the Moorish Science Temple, down to a vaguely Muslim symbol. Something to look into. Here it is:

Here's what tvacres.com says about it:
IDIC - The IDIC is an ornamental piece of jewelry worn either in pin or pendant form by Vulcan First Officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy) on the sci-fi series STAR TREK/NBC/1966-69. The IDIC is the most revered Vulcan symbol, (combining variations in texture, shape and color) representing the Planet Vulcan's philosophy "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations" that embraced the tolerance of all peoples and ideas to help create a society that is greater than the sum of its own parts. The IDIC symbol is a circle and triangle of white and yellow gold metals resting upon each other and adorned with a white jewel. The Star Trek Enclyclopedia [ISBN 0-671-86905-1]explains the IDIC as "Acronym for Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, a cornerstone of the Vulcan philosophy. Spock wore an IDIC medallion to the shipboard dinner in honor of Dr. Jones. ( episode "Is There in Truth no Beauty?"). TRIVIA NOTE: The triangle-circle IDIC pendant in this episode was designed by Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the Star Trek empire.
Yes, I'm a biiiiig geek. At least I've never worn a Starfleet uniform.
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