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Ha ha ohhhhh

Benny the Ball
23:24 / 19.04.04
I know that this sounds like a my brother knew a man who knew a man story, but anyeay, when I was a Uni, the campus drug dealer once told someone that thy'd taken a few of the tablets that they were selling, and offered a few up for test. They said it's been about 40 minutes or so since they took them and the effects took a while to kick in. Then they waited until the buyer had taken some, then pretended to be really over-hit by the effects (eg climb the walls, literally, cry and stuff). It all ended with the dealer and his friend climbing out of their windows, running into a bush, screaming like animals and then slumering out with dealers friend in dealers arms as a dead thing. Made me laugh anyway, as the tester terned sheet white.
23:28 / 19.04.04
23:32 / 19.04.04
That's a funny story. I'm just glad that it didn't happen to me.
Char Aina
01:01 / 20.04.04
nothing like a hefty dose of fear with your emotionally involving and mind alrtering substances...
sounds like a RIGHT. LAUGH.

i sincerely hope that the campus dealer not only got caught, but got caught by his testicles on a barbed wire fence as he was escaping a rabid police dog.

fuck, man, i know the 60s are over an' all that, but is it really that necessary to fuck people's heads up for kicks?

one wonders if our protagonist thinks spiking unwitting bystanders is a.o.k. too. y'know, as long as its funny and it not you.

jesus fuck, lets all play nice, eh?
and if you cant play nice, play with yourself; as far away from me as possible.
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