Heh... I too was going to start a thread on this topic... Synchronity strikes again!
Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about this one. When I begun working with magick I was younger (still in high school), and back then I didn't speak word one about it to anybody. I guess I was somehow ashamed of it... I mean, I have always been scientific type of guy, very aneristic and all, and donning a robe and drawing pentagrams in the air with a dagger felt quite silly, even to me at the time. I didn't think about it when doing magick, but sometimes I just felt like a darn fool. So, I really kept it to myself. I didn't even keep my books about magick on the shelf, but hid them in the drawer instead.
Well, I am older now, and when I got into a serious relationship, I knew I had to tell my girlfriend about this crazy thing I do. She was quite understanding, even though I could see she was more than a bit amused as well. Nowadays we live under the same room, I don't feel embarassed about the whole magick business anymore, she accepts the occult as a part of my life, she has been very supportive and I feel it has helped my workings a lot. But even now I haven't really told anyone else of "my life with the occult". For me it has been easy to "Keep Silent": I just don't think others would quite understand.
However, I have done Tarot readings to my friends every now and then. The Tarot, it seems to me, is quite widely accepted in the community in general. Tarot has a reputation as a psychological tool: "magick" brings forth images of voodoo priests in cheap B-movies. I mean, the first thing my girlfriend asked when I told her about my workings was: "Umm... Are you, like, summoning evil demons or something like that? Because I don't want any of that kind around the apartment" 
Well... This has been a long and rambling story... This IS my first post and all, so be kind to me... But the main point is this: I have kept silent, because I don't feel that many people would understand. Guess I'm a wimp at heart. |