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60th birthday fun

13:27 / 19.04.04
I need your creative brainpower, everyone. My Dad is about to turn 60, and my sister and I have to come up with the best present in the world.

He's into: all things French, tango and salsa dancing, cycling (not hardcore, just pootling about), wine, gardening and food (fish and veggie stuff).

Any brilliant ideas?
Grey Area
13:32 / 19.04.04
What's the maximum you can spend?
13:33 / 19.04.04
Good question. I haven't talked to my sis about this but I'd say up to 200 pounds (US keyboard, no pound sign). Probably more like 100 but we'd spend more for the right thing.
13:36 / 19.04.04
Go out for a meal in a French restaurant followed by some tango'in in the afternoon, go for a cycle in the early evening and have someone cook a nice veggie meal that'll be waiting when you get back... and some grass seeds to plant?

I'd like to find out more about hardcore cycling though
Grey Area
13:36 / 19.04.04
This might stretch the bank a bit, but: A cycling holiday through the south of France? My family gave one of my uncles one of these a couple of years ago...basically everything's booked and all they need to do is get on their bikes and go. He and his wife had a great time, what with the scenery, wine and food and all.
13:38 / 19.04.04
That's an excellent idea. I was thinking "cheese of the month club" plus, maybe, something else, but the tour is much better.
13:39 / 19.04.04
get him one of those 'special' massages i've heard about on the news lately...
13:40 / 19.04.04
Bungee jumping!
13:41 / 19.04.04
Oooh, the cycling tour is a good idea. I expect they're pretty dear but I'll have a look.

And sleaze, get your grubby mits off my Dad, he doesn't want your dodgy massages. Well, he might, but he's not getting them.
13:41 / 19.04.04
And bear - I'll take you hardcore cycling if you want!
13:43 / 19.04.04
Yeah, overlook the bungee! Hmph!
13:45 / 19.04.04
I'm sorry suedehead, but my Dad's just sooooo not the bungee jumper. He'd spill his wine.
William Sack
13:48 / 19.04.04
Wine, gardening and food? Get him a back issue of the Mail on Sunday colour supplement from the day he was born; there are bound to be some wonderful "Dig for victory" articles, and amazing stuff you can do with powdered egg.
Grey Area
14:16 / 19.04.04
Inspired by Crash...err, sorry, Cash Jackson: Why not get him a restored vintage bicycle?
14:20 / 19.04.04
Ooh, I quite fancy one of thos bikes for myself!
14:38 / 19.04.04
I like the biking in France idea...

Ariadne I think my idea of hardcore and yours differs slightly - I need to get my bike fixed...

You could try and get Charlie Dimmick to take him out dancing?
14:41 / 19.04.04
yeah, I know - I realise you're being a grubby little bear. What with you and sleaze, my poor Dad's going to get the fright of his life.

(God, it's annoying not being able to see posts when you reply)
16:45 / 19.04.04
[hijack]Sorry to semijack - I have a similar problem, albeit at one remove. It's my parents' 40th wedding anniversay in a couple of weeks and my dad, as a standard-issue bleurk (don'thitmedon'thitmeIdon'tmeanitreally), isn't too hot on the old present-buying so has solicited suggestions from my brother and myself. We've come up with what I acknowledge are fairly standard ideas such as long weekend in Barcelona etc, but if anyone has some more unusual ideas as to what a 60-something chap can get his 60-something wife on the occasion of their Ruby renewal, please feel free to fire away.

eyethankewe [/hijack]
18:18 / 19.04.04
* a sailboat

* a child

* a membership in a swinger's club

* tai chi classes

* fencing classes

* a sapling for them to plant together

* a jar of Florida sunshine!
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