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Jenny Everwhere - Strip Fight

15:22 / 18.04.04
Jenny has been chosen as the next theme for Strip Fight. Every week, competing cartoonists submit a single page comic that must include the theme. After the deadline, people may vote for their favourite, and a winner is chosen. Anyone can particpate, so if you have something cooking, feel free to join in. The deadline for the Jenny portion of the contest is Friday, April 23rd, at midnight (PST), so get cracking. Check the site for more details.
15:15 / 20.04.04
15:16 / 20.04.04
If there's an actual chain fight involved, BioK9 should be interested....
15:32 / 23.04.04
I'm submitting something - I'll put a link here and poke people to look at it when it's up on the Strip Fight site. If it goes up. If they don't merely sneer at it and bin it. Having printed it out first, especially so they can crumple it up and bin it.

Hmm. Unresolved anxiety issues...
19:31 / 24.04.04
All the strips are up and voting has begun. Get in there and cast one for your favourite!

Ex, assuming your the same Ex in the competition, yours was one of the contributions I saw a few days ago on your LiveJournal, I think. Really wonderful stuff. Good luck!
01:41 / 25.04.04
I have to say I like the pacman one.
04:25 / 25.04.04
Wow, those were great! Are they all going on the Jenny Site, only the winner, or is there only going to be a link. I think the winner should be invited to do a longer strip (6-10 pages).

I'm having trouble choosing.
Perfect Tommy
06:31 / 25.04.04
I had a really hard time choosing, too. I didn't vote for it, but I want the sperm-ship fella to turn in a more developed version.

I couldn't not vote for the dinosaur. I tried. But the way she puts her fist up in the air--yay!
15:22 / 26.04.04
I liked the dinosaur - it was very cute, if slightly obvious - the litle upraised fist and "yay!" was adorable.

I voted for Ex - by stepping outside the idea that because it was called strip fight it had to be nine-panel grid, ze created a much more successful environment. The narrative was well-contained, complete and successful, and the art very nice indeed.
21:10 / 26.04.04
I really liked Bryan Fukushima's strip - mainly because I got all, or at least some of the jokes and appreciated things like the guest appearence of magicboy. It is a 'comics journal style' jenny in a comics journal style comic strip.

As Aaron Brassea's strip was fun and showed how a strong idea can lead a strip in an unexpected direction - unfortunately I didn't think his Ms Pacman Jenny looked quite jenny enough - the goggles reminded me more of Princess Leia style buns and where was the scarf?

Tony Walsh's Jenny I'd already seen and enjoyed and this prequal to his ratboy crossover just made me want to see another perequal to this page - the ol' star wars problem i guess...

EX's one is very interesting - like the lobsterclaw strip it made me want to see more to see if the Will Eisner esque paneless approach would continue or not. Its also good to see someone apart from Dave Sim to play around with lettering

I am jamie's contribution definitely seemed bereft of ideas, and that does indeed happen when trying to turn around a weekly strip. But the Pope buggering struck me as a bit dull, like someone trying desperately to do something interesting even though they had no idea quite what it should be. It was one of the more technically accoumplished strips.

Mike Steven's strip left me feeling kind of cold - but that's probably because that is exactly the same effect the jenny he is drawing from has on me. She comes across as a dull 1 dimensional cliche, something of an anathema for a multidimensional character...

I have almost nothing to say about Stephen Burrel's strip outside of the comment that Jonny nowhere is a name that demands to be fleshed-out into a character...

I had trouble following Devin Mac Neil's strip. I got the impression that it was all about conception, but the narrative didn't quite hold together for me, the panel to panel transitions were a bit unclear...

As for Alex Bullet's strip - the idea for this was very similar to the world stare out championship final while the form was closer to south park - I could see all the influences, but for me they just didn't quite gell together on a on page strip basis. Look forward to seeing more pages though...

As for who i voted for, as my old man says - that's between me and the ballot box...
00:07 / 27.04.04
i do believe flyboy has a script about jenny nowhere in the works...

12:40 / 01.05.04
So is this done? Who won? Brian Fukushima?

Also, I took this from the Strip Fight forum. The strip's called Sob Story.

17:29 / 03.05.04
Fukushima, followed by Bullett, Ex and Walsh.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:21 / 04.05.04
That's pretty cool - I don't know about the order, but those were my four favourite pieces...
16:52 / 05.05.04
That new one is pretty funny...with the Law & Order obsession and "open sores" character bits.
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