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Snooker is great!

Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:28 / 17.04.04
Just watching some snooker on the telly because it's cheaper than going out and meeting people. And they seem to have got rid of all the ugly old gits and it's being played by handsome young things like Quentin Hann.

So, the relative hotness of snooker players anyone? Is Jimmy White the considerate older lover? Did you have a hankering to stroke Cliff Thorburn's moustache?
Multiple Man
21:11 / 17.04.04
Personally i dont mind the sport, but i hate the World Championships. I live in Sheffield and all the tents and hullabaloo crams up my favorite area of the city where the Library is.
21:14 / 17.04.04
I've just thought : why aren't women in the snooker games?

Madness........anyway, if i'm right, my next post is number 1000, so i'll have to make myself a thread.

It will be completely normal............honest.

*starts plotting*
21:36 / 17.04.04
I was watching with the volume down earlier today, when I saw, to my horror, a player grabbing a ball and rolling it into the pack, effectively throwing the whole match. Apparently his name was Chris Smalls and he suffers from some spinal condition which causes him great pain, which partly explains it.

Still, pretty shocking.

I know a guy who is the spitting image of Paul Hunter.
Mourne Kransky
21:59 / 17.04.04
why aren't women in the snooker games

I don't think they would roll so smoothly over the green baize. And they'd never fit in the pockets.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:50 / 18.04.04
Hmmm, the Interweb would have me believe that, while you can find stories about sex with Roy Orbison while he's wrapped in cling film, or Portillo/Paxman slash, there's no snooker related stories. No 'Steve Davis swept the balls aside and lay Ronnie down gently' at all! I don't believe this...
No star here laces
04:56 / 19.04.04
it is an unfilled niche...

Mind you, I've been to live snooker matches,and that is not a slash-friendly crowd...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:32 / 19.04.04
Wow, Quentin Hann challenges Andy Hicks to a fight. Who says snooker isn't full of drama?
12:39 / 19.04.04
That Quinten Hann bloke came across as a complete cock in the post-spat interview, my sympathies were entirely with Andy Hicks.

Regarding 'nice looking young men in snooker' generally - I don't hold with it. It's nice to have something on telly where you can see ordinary, tired looking men being quietly good at something. And they do look fucking tired, don't they? Science fiction levels of tiredness. That's how I like it. I could do without John Virgo's commentary, though, he does that "*heavy sigh*, I were right about that saddle" thing too often.
Benny the Ball
14:49 / 19.04.04
Snooker, especially since those bastards at channel four have removed 15-1, is the most relaxing television going.

My dad know's Jimmy White. He used to spoil the small gambling card games at the local working man's club by upping the anti too much. He's nice though. Very addictive personality.
nedrichards is confused
15:48 / 19.04.04
Is upping the anti some sort of protest?

And ladies/gents of that persuasion, Paul Hunter: boyband or not?
nedrichards is confused
15:50 / 19.04.04
And yes, that persuasion is Boyzone fans.
Benny the Ball
16:01 / 19.04.04
putting too much money on a game, and frightening away the scrap metel merchants who didn't earn a few hundred grand a tournement.
16:15 / 19.04.04
And just as she'd escaped the evil clammy grasp of rasslin' slash...

'Steve Davis swept the balls aside and lay Ronnie down gently'


I always had a soft spot for Matthew Stevens meself. I think it's the accent..and the shiny shiny waistcoats stretched across taught backs...
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