I rOOl.
Yesterday, after many ill advised beers and shots I biked my way home. After a frontal pavement action-type situation, I went to have three stitches on my chin. Cuts and bruises on face, fingers, arms, legs, and I can't chew properly.
November last year, after many ill advised shots, beers and drinks, I lost my beautiful La Roche glasses and my mobile - my friend lost his credit card + jacket - and somewhere, somehow, I must have flown down some stairs, resulting in facial cuts, bruises, on the arms, the torso, the legs. Got a small scar on my knee.
June last year, after many ill advised beers, shots, I kissed concrete on my bike home. I broke a cople of teeth, bent a couple more backwards, and created an expensive debtgrave for myself, thus.
I should probably give up on drinking, but I'm stoically masochistic - it seems - and will not.
Others: Being attacked by a couple of dogs at age four, which resulted in still visible facial scars; running into a metallic construction, narrowly missing my eye, and getting a still visible scar on my brow; getting a stone thrown at my forehead, and getting a still visible scar; etc. etc.
Match me, 'lithers. |