If chess is a game invented by humans, then I'd imagine you would have some kind of edge in fact, because Death wouldn't be able to think on the right level. It depends how you define him. Is Death omniscient, with the ability to see into the puny minds of every living mortal? If so, you could argue that he could walk every game of chess, second-guessing anything you could come up with. On the other hand, there's an option that though he can pry into human minds and has been watching human beings for millenia, perhaps he can't ever understand human nature and spirit -- having always been immortal himself -- and so in theory you'd have some element of unpredictability, something he could never fully grasp.
I would suggest that you can't ever cheat Death, though. I would say that's just in the nature of things. If he lets you win, it's through his own whimsy and some kind of playful desire -- born of the unchanging mundanity of his own existence -- to see what would happen. |