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Seriously: Does Anyone Genuinely Like Small Penises?


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The Guy With Sex Problems
12:12 / 17.04.04
Does anyone really like small cocks? It seems that the overwhelming majority of straight women and gay men hate small dicks, and hold it against people for having them. It's not as though anyone decides to have a small penis, or that the size of one's erection is something to do with their level of attraction or arousal to their partner. There are plenty of people out there who act as though having a small penis is some deep and horrible flaw in a person's very being. It's come to the point that I'm somewhat terrified of being seen nude or having sex with anyone, because I'm so horrified by the prospect of being rejected for something that I can do nothing about.

I just want to know - are there people out there who really like small cocks? I'm not talking about tolerating them - I mean, does anyone prefer them, or find them more attractive? Sometimes it just helps to know these things.

(Before anyone asks, I'm in the 5 - 6 inch range and not particularly thick.)
miss wonderstarr
12:14 / 17.04.04
I like them cause they make me feel like I have a big one?
Ella mentry
12:29 / 17.04.04 have a relationship forum full of women willing to discuss your little problem...go reg.

I just hate dickheads, knobs whatever...and size does matter, if a women can not 'feel' you inside her then there is no point.
No star here laces
13:22 / 17.04.04
d00d, every survey ever conducted says that 6" is average, and given that we've all seen the evidence that much larger is possible, it stands to reason that penises exist which are only 2-3" long. Bell curve,innit? So stop worrying...
Pan Paniscus
15:20 / 17.04.04
>Bell curve,innit?

fnnff. *titter* Christ, I'm so mature...
miss wonderstarr
15:24 / 17.04.04
Is 6 inches the average erect size or the flaccid?
15:39 / 17.04.04
Turgid I think, hope.
18:39 / 17.04.04
The mode average is more like 5 and a quarter. I once saw New Scientist referring to some research about it. Where was that... [happy to have found something pointless to look for].
18:47 / 17.04.04
I'm sure this came up somewhere here not too long ago... well, a related issue, anyway, that it was considered unacceptable to slag someone off for being fat, ugly, spotty, ginger and so on but perfectly okay to accuse them of compensating for having a small penis. Anyone remember where that was?
Baz Auckland
19:53 / 17.04.04
It was in a spam thread: No More lonliness, add 3+ inches...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:13 / 17.04.04
Pah, everyone knows that people on Barbelith have really great penises. Even the women.

Especially the women.
21:10 / 17.04.04
Large is overrated. The possibility of cervical bruising's the last thing you want on your mind.
Mourne Kransky
21:22 / 17.04.04
It can also be a bonus if he's going to give you one up the Gary Glitter and you haven't any poppers to hand.

Don't believe the hype. The other man's dick is always bigger. Plus you're always looking down at yours which foreshortens your view.

If you had a micropenis, then you might have a "problem". Or you could be Enrique Iglesias.
miss wonderstarr
22:35 / 17.04.04
Does "turgid" mean when it's got a stiff or when it's flaccid.
Mourne Kransky
22:39 / 17.04.04
Contrary to to the way it sounds, it means "swollen" (Latin turgere to swell - probably from tugere - to tug).

Doesn't sound stiff, does it?
miss wonderstarr
22:50 / 17.04.04
As long as the average is 5.5 when he's stiff, thas alright man.
22:54 / 17.04.04
Am I the only guy on here who's never measured it?

Christ, I don't even know what size my feet are (always an embarrassment when buying boots). And I have two of those.
Mourne Kransky
22:57 / 17.04.04
So much time men spend worrying about the size of their dicks. Such a waste. In my long and libidinous life, I must have become intimately acquainted with several hundred dicks. Apart from the few anatomically improbable cases, I can't remember a time when it was the determining factor in whether I had a good time or whether I'd come back for seconds.
23:02 / 17.04.04
I've been dumped for many reasons. And dick size was never one of them. Unless (channels Dave Sim for a moment) the feminist/homosexualist conspiracy was LYING to me and just PRETENDED to find drunken obnoxiousness objectionable...
Mourne Kransky
23:11 / 17.04.04
Good point, Stoatie. And considering the long list of personal defects that's often cast up on these occasions, I'm sure "and your dick's not big enough" would roll easily off the irate tongue.

After about twenty years of hearing "You're a moody ****", I finally started to work on that. Starting shagging psychiatrists, ha!

If I'd been hearing "your dick's sub-standard", there wouldn't have been much I could do about that really. Buy a strap on? Hitch up with a lesbian? Date Helen Keller? I'm surprised vindictive soon-to-be-former-partners don't use that line anyway, whether or not it's credible, just because it would really wound the average Joe.

So, was this a mini-Barbemeet/alcofest you were out at then?
23:14 / 17.04.04
I hate to break it to you mate, but yes, it was because of the size of your tadger. Which is why you NEED to add 3+ inches. And get some v14gra. And you might as well get some ph3ntermine while you're at it, too.

Ah, Barbelith, The Place Where We Intellectualise Spam.
Mourne Kransky
23:19 / 17.04.04
When I went looking for the Enrique Iglesias link, I came across a few sites advertising their non-surgical-penis-enhancement wears and using his "small penis" quote as a lead in. One had several pictures of men who did have the old "micropenis". I came away feeling like Lynford Christie. I spit in your face Jamie Theakston...
Bed Head
23:23 / 17.04.04
I’ve seen the smallest penis in the world. It was the size of my little finger, and completely at odds with the guy’s dusky stud persona. And I didn’t poke fun. At least, not until the time came when we were no longer friends, and were arguing for the last time ever; at which point it gave me an irresistible opportunity to get in a devastatingly hurtful parting shot. Which I still feel pretty guilty about.

Never measured mine, either. I measured my nose once, though. I was reading an artists handbook about how a face should be proportioned and I thought I’d see just how far I diverge from the ideal. Which is kind of the same thing. As I recall, I think the length of your nose is supposed to be equal to the distance between the pupils of your eyes. Otherwise your face is officially wrong.
23:26 / 17.04.04
Xoc- I was getting drunk for Flyboy's birthday. But I think we're getting our threads crossed.

Fuck- I've never experienced owning a nob any different in size (or colour, or texture, or anything) to the one God gave me... as a heterosexual male, I have little to compare it to. It's just... like... there. Like eye colour, or shoe size, or bad taste in music.

Not something I worry about, really.
23:29 / 17.04.04
I measured my nose once, though. I was reading an artists handbook about how a face should be proportioned and I thought I’d see just how far I diverge from the ideal.

On an entirely unrelated note, I can touch my nose with my tongue. Not sure if this is good or bad. It's not particularly fun, though, I can tell you that. Noses don't taste so good.
Mourne Kransky
23:34 / 17.04.04
Me muddling my threads, true enough. Can't even post straight. Too pissed. Perhaps time for bed then. Two sentences of a good book and Hello Sandman.
Bed Head
23:35 / 17.04.04
Ah. I am totally, unashamedly envious of guys with long tongues. My tongue hardly gets past my lips, the damn thing’s tied to the floor of my mouth. If I got spam promising to increase the length of my tongue, I’d be up for that in an instant, because that might actually be useful.
The Tower Always Falls
18:25 / 18.04.04
I have scared people with the length of my toungue.

And yes, it is useful.

No idea what my penis size is. It's just kind of there. My girlfriend is doing the aesthetician thing, and apparently it's quite en vougue lately for men to get Brazillians. Aparrently it makes it look bigger. Sadly, it also makes it look like a plucked, sad, chicken.
20:03 / 18.04.04
I reckon well-endowed men appear to assume that all they have to do is turn up. You can see them thinking, "Isn't my knob huge? Aren't you a lucky girl?" and then all you get is a minute (if you're lucky) in the missionary position and they think they've done the job. The best sex I've experienced has consistently not been with the...erm...larger men, so I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

Just put a bit of effort in and size won't matter in the slightest.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:36 / 19.04.04
I just want everyone to know that I can touch Stoatie's nose with my tongue. It's strangely pleasurable.
Cat Chant
08:16 / 19.04.04
Does anyone really like small cocks?

Yes. If you had seen the trouble I had trying to get a strap-on of a size I considered small enough, you would be reassured. I also secretly (well, not so secretly any more) find diminutive phrases like "little cock" very appealing in slash, though it's not often they show up, alas.
Goodness Gracious Meme
08:32 / 19.04.04
Really? that's always struck me as one of the joys of the strap-on, that one gets to pretty much custom-design size/shape/texture of 'cock'...
Cat Chant
08:44 / 19.04.04
It might just have been the shops we went to, which seemed to cater only for the six-inches-and-up, very-thick and/or "realistic-looking" end of the market. Where was the tiny little translucent-blue bobbly thing of my dreams? Nowhere. Nothing but six-inch-long, thick, pink veiny (or black veiny) horrors.

Man with Sex Problems, if your penis is not only tiny and little, but also translucent blue and bobbly, you will be in great demand. I foresee it.
Tom Coates
09:58 / 19.04.04
Can I remind everyone that having multiple user names on Barbelith is considered innappropriate and if people are found to be making multiple user names then they run the risk of having all of them banned from the board.
10:08 / 19.04.04
Bless your heart! Love who you are and others will love you as well.

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