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If everyone on the net thought michael jackson had killed himself...

No star here laces
15:18 / 16.04.04
...would he actually be dead in any sense?
15:25 / 16.04.04
He's not dead?
No star here laces
15:26 / 16.04.04
I don't know! I can't tell... He's like Schrodinger's pop star...
No star here laces
15:27 / 16.04.04
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:15 / 16.04.04
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does it still make a sound?


So to answer your question:

No star here laces
16:16 / 16.04.04
But SHOULD he be?

Because, like his fame is dead...

Do you see?
16:44 / 16.04.04
this is all so deep, somebody pass me the bong.
Jack Fear
18:03 / 16.04.04
Twelve years or so ago, I was wandring around a comics store looking for something to buy. I asked the guy behind the counter what was hot. He reached under the counter and pulled out a mylar-bound platinum edition and said, "The Death of Superman?"

I said, "Superman died for me a long, long time ago."

Michael Jackson has been similarly dead to me for a long time. But more in the sense that a gruff Old World paterfamilias would say it to a sinning offspring: "You are DEAD to me! DEAD! I know no Michael Jackson!"
07:52 / 17.04.04
But superman dies for all our sins... and he rose from the tomb... like jesus in spandex.
08:06 / 17.04.04
Does anyone remember, back when the Queen Mum was still alive, the rumours flooding the net that she was dead?

Then September 11th happened and it vanished. I think there was a thread on here, but I'm buggered if I can find it.
Mourne Kransky
08:43 / 17.04.04
He is not dead but sleepeth... ...with little boys.

The best story was the inventive one about his intended internet suicide where a giant machine was going to be filmed crushed his head and upper torso. Pshaw. Where's the fun in that? Could he not moonwalk off a cliff or be trampled by an elephant in must, having lost its trust?
Mourne Kransky
08:45 / 17.04.04
Silliness here btw.
No star here laces
10:35 / 17.04.04
september 11th was an internet rumour too. It's only your fictionsuit that believes it.
12:56 / 17.04.04
Perhaps he could capitalise on The Passion's success by being scourged, tortured and crucified to death in glorious technicolour, while questioning whether we've lost the elephants' trust? With choirs of Benetton children, and Jarvis Cocker hammering in the nails?
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:29 / 17.04.04
Is Paris Hilton a simulacrumb? Are Robert Anson Wilson's books real, or a joke?
No star here laces
14:52 / 17.04.04
or crap
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:45 / 18.04.04
I hear that Tony Soprano has decided that Michael Jackson is dead to him now, and that is good enough for me.
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